got a second to help with a lil studio set up?
im one of those idiot savants. i can make music but i dont know shit about initial set up. its like a foreign language to me until i get the ball rolling. i was wondering if anyone can help me to describe how i would exactly set up my midi cables to an mBox from an MPC2000XL and any thing i need to know after that...basically im running my MPC > a Yamaha mixer > Mbox > monitorswhere am i running the midi cables? do i have to rearrane the 1/4 inch cables?what do i do on the MPC?do i neeed to switch pro tools preferences?etcthere seems to be alot of steps. something that wil be easier explained if i asked one of you guys than looking at the me atleastany help would be appreciatedthanks for the time.....!!!-chris
For tracking purposes, you just run the midi cable from your MPC midi out to the midi in on your MBOX. I don't use Pro Tools, but sure you have to change some settings (did you try You don't need to touch the 1/4 inch cables. MPC midi settings (shift+9), sync out - Mode: MIDI TIME CODE, send MMC: ON.
yea just tracking purposes
i guess thats all i needed to know
why thank you sir..
Midi out on mBox
(that is what i was told to do ateast)
changed my midi syncs on the MPC
record enabled
changed the bpm on tempo
and clock enabled the record pad or whatever
i hit record and spacebar and no audio comes out?
in fact the song doesnt play at all
This is all right (esp MPC in, MBOX out)
You will need to enable MMC on both. Pro Tools will not play audio through audio tracks unless your recording or in auto input mode. I'd set it up as you said, making sure mmc is enabled, set the bpm and hit play in protools. The light should go on the mpc and the clock should be running as if you just hit play on the MPC. The bpm should say EXT. Open an aux track in pro tools so audio can just pass (it should be prolly mbox 1&2 in to 1&2 out, which should be your monitors.) This will allow you to make sure its running smoothly. hope thats clear...
im pming you as we speak
theres one thing that must be wrong on my end