Well, more like Sevens and I only got good things to report today.* Snowstorm! - With older folks, people with small children and strays and the homeless in mind and how hard it can be for them, I still have to say that I LOVE this weather!* Mohammed El-Bakkar - Music of the African Arab* Fireplaces - snowstorm + fireplace = need I say more?* Saturday afternoon back-to-back cooking shows on PBS* Half of a Yellow Sun - auth. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (thanks to Mr.Rillz for turning me on to this)* Lil Mama - Lip Gloss* Entourage - I know, late pass to the max and I started in the middle of second season. Still - so good!
2. Going to Tanzania on Sunday
3. During my 1 day layover in Nairobi, I'm going here. Very, very excited.
4. This book. I Usually really don't like cookbooks, but this one is doing it for me. Everything so far is a winner.
5. 65 and sunny here in DC today...
other things i appreciate
my family.
my niece's ensemble on lunar new year.
surprise markdowns.
i hardly ever setting foot into macys but i did on a whim and found cute shoes on sale. then i realized during checkout there was another 40% off
weird stationary.
bonus beat:
fishing with john eps
numero dos[/b] - motherfuggin' pastrami bitches!!!
tres records[/b] - dropped over 30 lbs since new years.
4[/b] - off today which equals grey goose consumption early. earrrrrly!
i give'em a pound[/b] oh i mean i shake his hand - hanging tough with my main homestress zo money bags. comedy for days.
hells yes!!
is anyone else here hooked on BBQ U? i'm not even really a meat eater, but i could watch that show for hours
also, Ming Tsai, gay or nay?
Daptone/David Griffiths:
Waxing Deep:
Playin' with the boys:
those are very nice.
so mediocre.
that show minus Piven, and, to a lesser extent, Dillon = worse than a bad Alf episode. ironic that it's called entourage when only one of the dudes is even close to entertaining.
enough bitching though.
1. PAYDAY today.
3. RENO 911: MIAMI tomorrow.
4. PURIM tomorrow nite.
5. BALLING all day, ehr day.
2. my friends artwork
3. roadtrip in May for the only purpose of taking pictures
4. Grizzly Bear live
5. new Battles song / video
(6. possibly going to Cuba later this year)
I'd like'em more if the heel was smaller.
Alas, fives...
1. Spices.
2. Water, near frost temperature.
3. Sleep.
4. Cats.
5. Realizing your next kiss.
2. Dr Seuss Birthday night at my daughter's prospective school. Suessical as preformed by 3rd graders was outstanding.
3. Tax reform here in Oregon. After 20 years of taking it in the ass, the (democratic lead) legislature is canceling the corporate refund and creating a rainy day fund.
4. 30 Rock, just started watching a few weeks back. Tracy Morgan finally getting to stretch out, Baldwin in the zone and Dratch plays a new weirdo every week. More please.
5. God. Thanking you for sending insanely good records in my direction lately.
1. (Do you have Internet at your place yet? If so, you two could cuddle and watch the first in my Top 7:) Soft Focus. Funny Cuddle Accompaniment.
2. RecipeStrut: I've been getting busy with the meat studies. Valentine's Day was a Coca-Cola and Tabasco Brined Pork Chops grilled in a thick garlic butter dressing over a bed of rosemary. Yummy! Last week was a spice rubbed New York Strip Steak, so soft and tender. Next up is a skirt steak and potato dish marinated and cooked in homemade Italian dressing, like my mom used to make.
3. "Punk Rock Jailbait" by San Francisco's FRIGHTWIG. Awesome.
4. Best Piece of Du Pont Mylar Polyester Film I've Heard.
5. Joe's Pub, last night, listening to Tom Brosseau sing "Here Comes the Water Now". I got chills.
6. Seeing more of
missbassie these days.7. Deciline of Western Civilization on google video. Funny.