Test Questions (NRR) made me laugh....

jleejlee 1,539 Posts
edited February 2007 in Strut Central
sorry if this is some common knowledge humor floating around the internet, and i also realize these could all be fake as some Canadian record finds, but i thought this was some funny ass shit.


  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    These are pretty much dead on. I supervise scoring for No Child Left Behind Testing shiz and we quite frequently laugh are balls off. But unfortunately due to privacy issues, I can't share stories

  • SyminSymin 999 Posts
    witholding stories to save your job with no child left behind?
    whos side are you on anyway?

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    Hahahahahhaah. We have a confidentiality clause in our contracts. Sorrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

  • SyminSymin 999 Posts
    Hahahahahhaah. We have a confidentiality clause in our contracts. Sorrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
    I know how it is.
    Ive been assistant teaching Special Ed at an elementary school in town and a couple weeks back we had NAEP testing for the fourth graders. My job was to sit with 2 students that needed to be in a private room. I had to sign a contract saying that i couldnt speak with anybody, test givers included, and i couldnt look at the test. So it was me, 2 students, and the test giver in a small ass room and i couldnt look at anything or say anything for 90minutes. After about 20 minutes i said fuck it. what are they going to do if i look. so to keep myself from going crazy i just read along with the test. the lady obviously saw me doing it but there wasnt shit she could do.

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    The only thing I will say, which relates to your experiences, is there is a severe problem with Special Ed kids being "helped" by assistants, to the point where it is obviously not the student's work.

  • SyminSymin 999 Posts
    its definetly a sore subject.
    From the special ed stand point its insane holding students with problems like mental retardation to the same standards as their peers in normal class rooms. I dont condone teachers taking the tests for the students, but the program is especially taxing on the students with special needs.

    Ive had to spend the last 2 weeks teaching the students how to take these tests and not their normal curriculum(sp). This does take away from their educational experience because the testing that is going on now also takes 2 weeks so when its all over and we get back to what they had been doing they regress emensly.
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