
RisingsonRisingson 696 Posts
edited February 2007 in Strut Central
Does anyone still give a shit about the Oscars??I wanna see Eddie Murphy come away with Best Supporting Actor. Hopefully Peter O'Toole & Scorese will finally get one aswell...


  • MjukisMjukis 1,675 Posts
    Scorsese WILL get it, or there will be riots... In this house at least.

  • Does anyone still give a shit about the Oscars??


    iam watching this tonight...

  • S-C-O-R-S-E-S-E

    It's a wrap.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts

    Does anyone still give a shit about the Oscars??

    I wanna see Eddie Murphy come away with Best Supporting Actor. Hopefully Peter O'Toole & Scorese will finally get one aswell...

    Well, you're 1 for 3.

    I don't know if I'm getting older or what but tonight was HELLA boring. The montages felt especially meaningless and dull. And they ran over an hour? Fuck that.

  • Anybody catch the television narrator say "The Departed is based on the JAPANESE film Infernal Affairs", after it won for best adapted screenplay?

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    Anybody catch the television narrator say "The Departed is based on the JAPANESE film Infernal Affairs", after it won for best adapted screenplay?

    Yeah, seriously.

  • I'm glad to see that Scorsese finally got his, and it probably was the best film of the year. Whitaker deserved his Oscar as well. Pan's Labyrinth should've got best foreign film over Das Leben Der Anderes.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts

    Does anyone still give a shit about the Oscars??


    iam watching this tonight...

    Yes! I fucking love Chopping Mall - the cameo by Paul Bartel is the icing on the cake.

    As for the Oscars - meh. No great surprises though giving Little Miss Sunshine Best original screenplay made me chuckle considering it's essentially a rehash of about 20 other "indie" films that have been released in the last 2 years.

  • It was nice to see people not get their speeches cut off.

    It finally didn't seem like the Oscars were getting rushed out of the venue for a much bigger party. I never understood that.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    tonight was HELLA boring.

    Ellen did not help matters.

    Can't think of one dress I liked.

    Cutting off people's speeches has its perks, but it makes for a real messy show, which I think last night was - clumsy and a lot of what the hell is going on? moments.

  • catalistcatalist 1,373 Posts
    tonight was HELLA boring.

    Ellen did not help matters.

    Can't think of one dress I liked.

    Cutting off people's speeches has its perks, but it makes for a real messy show, which I think last night was - clumsy and a lot of what the hell is going on? moments.

    paltrow was looking good though.

    Forest Whitaker had the best speech and he totally deserved his oscar. Dreamgirls did NOT deserve 'Best Sound' . the songs in that movie sound like SHIT... seriously like 80s cheap rnb tunes.

    Ennio Morricone was the highlight by far , speaking in Italian while Clint Eastwood read his translation back to the audience.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts
    tonight was HELLA boring.

    Ellen did not help matters.

    Can't think of one dress I liked.

    Cutting off people's speeches has its perks, but it makes for a real messy show, which I think last night was - clumsy and a lot of what the hell is going on? moments.


    I thought it was gonna be alright with the Intro and then seeing all the nominees standing up. Some going around and congratulating others was great. Then it just went downhill for the most part. There was alot of fluff that shouldn't have been in the show and for the most part, if the industry is trying to get people interested in the movie experience again, I'm sorry... But this wasn't how it's gonna happen.


  • tonight was HELLA boring.

    Ellen did not help matters.

    she was okay. asking spielberg to take a picture of her and Clint Eastwood for her myspace page was pretty funny.

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts

    Ennio Morricone was the highlight by far , speaking in Italian while Clint Eastwood read his translation back to the audience.

    I thought that was cool. Clint was like, "OK, I'll tell you what he said," as a bunch of people looked at each other surprised that he can translate Italian. Clint Eastwood is one well-rounded dude.

    It was a cool tribute to Morricone, though I could have done without the new Celine Dion production (had to take a quick listen to Feed-Back to wash that taste out of my mouth). It was nice when Morricone gave a tribute to his wife, and to see that he's actually with a woman his age when most of those Hollywood guys (including Clint) have traded up for newer models.

  • and to see that he's actually with a woman his age when most of those rich Italian guys have traded up for newer models.

  • Ennio Morricone was the highlight by far , speaking in Italian while Clint Eastwood read his translation back to the audience.

    I thought that was cool. Clint was like, "OK, I'll tell you what he said," as a bunch of people looked at each other surprised that he can translate Italian. Clint Eastwood is one well-rounded dude.

    It was a cool tribute to Morricone, though I could have done without the new Celine Dion production (had to take a quick listen to Feed-Back to wash that taste out of my mouth). It was nice when Morricone gave a tribute to his wife, and to see that he's actually with a woman his age when most of those Hollywood guys (including Clint) have traded up for newer models.

    That's funny. I always kind of assumed Clint hated Morricone. I'm sure there was a point when Clint couldn't walk into a room without everyone going "doo-ee-doo-ee-dooooo".
    This is my personal explanation for Clint's refusal to work with any film composers (and GAPING lack of scores) in the films he directs.

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    Hmmm, I never noticed that. I'll have to pay attention when I finally get around to catching Letters from Iwo Jima.

  • Hmmm, I never noticed that. I'll have to pay attention when I finally get around to catching Letters from Iwo Jima.

    I mean, he scores them himself, but the music is always very sparse, and there are many scenes that should have music and don't. I haven't seen the most recent two movies, but based on his past work (Million Dollar Baby, etc.)...

  • i totally forgot about this. sounds like i didn't miss much, and ellen annoys me with the self-deprecation. i liked it last year when jon stewart hosted, but i guess the academy wasn't feeling him?

    it's about time scorsese won something but it seems like out of pity to me. i really enjoyed the departed but it's far from his most perfect film and that ending was kinda bad....especially that joke. that said, it was probably the most satisfying movie i saw in the theaters this year and is the kind of movie i wouldn't mind watching again

  • SyminSymin 999 Posts
    Last night i Watched

    which absolutely the Oscars im sure

  • catalistcatalist 1,373 Posts
    Last night i Watched

    which absolutely the Oscars im sure

    Holy shit... fucking flashbacks dude... i will now seek that out.

  • SyminSymin 999 Posts
    I think they made American Ninja 1-5. Ima check the series

    sorry to derail this oscar discussion

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    The DreamGirls performance was alright until they went over the top w/ the doodoo gospel choir.

  • coselmedcoselmed 1,114 Posts
    I've seen The Departed twice (once in the theater and again on a transatlantic flight) and although it was entertaining, it definitely wasn't as strong as Crash or Million Dollar Baby (the winners in the last two years).

    I wish more people had seen Little Children; for me, it was definitely one of the more compelling films of the year.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    Ellen: Not really that bad. I do miss Billy though. (I sound old).

    Dreamgirls number: It was more compelling than the Newman/Taylor/Ethridge snoozefest (much as I love Melissa).

    Cutting fools off: They need to dead the montages and just let people have their say. Playing people off the stage when they're trying to thank their families = NAGL. I understand the need to run on time, but maybe we need less interpretive silhouette dancers in that case or bad Michael Mann "ode to America" clip reels.

    Need more: Will Ferrell, Jack Black song numbers. Well, actually, one is enough.

    Need less: Shots of Jack with the Britney dome. Shit was scarier than Hudson's aluminum foil shrug.

    Less Reese, more Kate (Winslet, not Hudson): I don't mean for the ceremony. Just in general.

    Speaking of Hudsons: I was rolling for J-Hud around the time of the Globes. Now I'm kind of sick of her. Not sure what the hell happened in between. Maybe I just find her gushing, ingenue attitude to be a little overly performed but maybe I'm just cynical.

    Marty winning: It was worth it just he hear him stammer. I often times forget how he's basically like the Italian Woody Allen - nervous energy out the wazoo. That said, it was a good moment when he teared up after his film editor won.

    FW winning: Class act. And on that note - I was talking about this with a friend last night. To me, FW winning - as a Black actor - didn't feel like a "big deal" to me in the same way the 2001 Oscars with Halle/Denzel felt like a "moment." And upon reflection, the fact that you had people like Whittaker and Will Smith competing for Best Actor or J-Hud in another just felt "right" in a way where it's NOT a big deal.

    And that's a big deal (that it's not a big deal). People feel me?

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    I've seen The Departed twice (once in the theater and again on a transatlantic flight) and although it was entertaining, it definitely wasn't as strong as Crash or Million Dollar Baby (the winners in the last two years).

    I wish more people had seen Little Children; for me, it was definitely one of the more compelling films of the year.

    Not the least of which was the resurrection of Mooooooooch!

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,089 Posts
    Last night i Watched

    which absolutely the Oscars im sure

    Holy shit... fucking flashbacks dude... i will now seek that out.

  • All I know is I've got a copy of Pan's Labyrinth to watch tonight and I'm really looking forward to it.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    I think Children of Men should have won for cinematography.

    I'm glad Whitaker won. Although that movie was awful, he was incredible.

    While the Academy continues to pat itself on the back for coloring up the best actor category, what is this pattern of black men winning Oscars for stellar performances in otherwise shitty movies? (e.g., Ray, Training Day, Last King of Scotland).

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    I think Children of Men should have won for cinematography.

    I'm glad Whitaker won. Although that movie was awful, he was incredible.

    While the Academy continues to pat itself on the back for coloring up the best actor category, what is this pattern of black men winning Oscars for stellar performances in otherwise shitty movies? (e.g., Ray, Training Day, Last King of Scotland).

    I hear you though one could note said pattern for a lot of acting awards given to people for otherwise lackluster films.

    I think the question other folks (ok, namely Jadakiss) will be asking is why Forrest won for playing an African dictator or why Denzel won for playing a corrupt cop and not "positive" characters. I'm not sure how much stock I put in the conspiracy theory here (though Denzel did get robbed the year "Malcolm X" was out).
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