Smokin' Aces

prof_rockwellprof_rockwell 2,867 Posts
edited February 2007 in Strut Central
Anyone seen this movie? What's the word?


  • Big-time Still, it is worth watching for the eye candy. I'd say catch it on DVD or cable. Too many ideas, too omany actors. None developed real well either. Alicia Keys fine tho.

  • Big-time Still, it is worth watching for the eye candy. I'd say catch it on DVD or cable. Too many ideas, too omany actors. None developed real well either. Alicia Keys fine tho.

    the story is retarded but the movie is entertaining except for the last 20 minutes or so. Ryan Reynolds is awful.

  • marumaru 1,450 Posts
    "Watching it is like being smacked in the face for a hundred minutes with a raw sirloin steak. By the end, there???s blood everywhere, a bad smell lingering in the air, and vegetarianism ??? or starvation or blindness ??? starts to look like an attractive option."

    from the ny times.

  • I have not seen this but I feel like I have.

    Lemme guess: In the opening sequences as each character is introduced, do they do a little freeze frame of said character in action and then splash his name or title across the screen, e.g. "The Target" or some shit?

    This whole concept seems so tired to me.

    Lock Stock and 3 million smoking terd barrels....

  • I have not seen this but I feel like I have.

    Lemme guess: In the opening sequences as each character is introduced, do they do a little freeze frame of said character in action and then splash his name or title across the screen, e.g. "The Target" or some shit?

    This whole concept seems so tired to me.

    Lock Stock and 3 million smoking terd barrels....

    Spot on... that IS the opening sequence... this movie is an overhyped, overextended, self-induldgent, jack-off fest... Joe Carnahan can't seem to get Tarantino & Guy Ritchie's dicks outta his mouth long enough to make even one cohesive scene... there is absolutely no character or plot development as all time is devoted to settin up ridiculously lame action set-pieces which you would swear you've seen done over dozens of times before.... "Narc" this ain't and to even compare this to Guy Ritchie, who he himself is a poor imitation of another imitator (Tarantino), would be grossly overrating this poop of celluloid..

    I'll take "Gigli" any day over this junk...

  • guess I'll save me some $10

  • what about black snake moan? coming up
    supposedly some r.l. burnside connection there...
    probably terrible, but i like that greasy blues and ms ricci in chains!

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    I'm not sure "Smokin Aces" is "over-hyped" given that I've only heard fairly negative reviews for it.

    But yeah, it's seriously "eh". A total disaster of a script, bad casting (people who think Common is a clown will no doubt have much more fodder after this), and action sequences not even spiced up by a .50 caliber rifle shooting through walls.

  • Weak...Going to the movies is too damn expensive anyways..Ten bones ? That's nonsense. I could grab a spliff and 2 forties for that much and have a way better time in that two hours a flick would take.
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