Dee Dee Bridgewater "Bad For Me" [err... RR]
Jimster 6,969 Posts
This is about the only thing I seem to be missing from Ms. B. Is it tepid disco or what? Have had it q'd on Slsk for weeks but dude hosting it must be active as a glacier.
If youre a "completist" buy it for the cover itself!
Back Of Your Mind is a good slow-tempo joint.
And the gem on this album is her rendition of It's The Falling In Love, which appears on
Micheal Jackson's Off The Wall in the same year. I'm so curious to know if Dee Dee received/sang it first and the song just changed hands w/ Quincy & them taking it/remodeling it for M.J. His is superior but just to hear a classic joint done(at the same time) is quite refreshing.
Overall the album is wack.