Soundscan questions

DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
edited January 2007 in Strut Central
I know some of the certified Big Dudes on here have access to Soundscan, so I'm hoping you can help me help a friend who writes for the Times in London. She's doing a piece which in part covers the sales of rap records in the US, and she wants to examine this perceived idea that there's been a swing at retail level back to a more conscious style on the part of consumers. I've told her that I've not come across a great deal of evidence of this, and that, furthermore, sales are down generally, so consumer trends may not be so easily identifiable as they were, say, a couple of years ago.What she's after is some info on a) who the consistently big sellers have been over the last couple of years, and b) whether the Lupes, Commons and Rhymefests have made any real mark in comparison to their supposedly less conscious counterparts. Any and all donations gratefully received. Thanks.
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