Los Angeles Galaxy

nzshadownzshadow 5,518 Posts
edited January 2007 in Strut Central


  • fejmelbafejmelba 1,139 Posts

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,518 Posts

    im sitting here watching BBC and they are all over the story, talking about the guy as if he will single handedly bring soccer to the masses...

    lotta weight, can he carry it?

  • jleejlee 1,539 Posts
    HUUUUUGGEEEE win for Beckham.

    -Gets millions of dollars, even though his old team and even own country don't care for him as a player anymore.

    -Gets to avoid the UK press for a while....because in LA...c'mon dude it's just soccer.

    -Gets to live the cheesedick lifestyle he seems to love. faux hawks & cornrows for everybody.

    and MLS get a little press for the next season.

    The only person who loses is the owner of the LA Galaxy who won't come close to recouping his money.

  • fejmelbafejmelba 1,139 Posts

    , can he carry it?
    i dont think he can. he lost it. he aint that good .

  • Why?

    , can he carry it?
    i dont think he can. he lost it. he aint that good .

    we ARE talking about american soccer tho. i could prolly get on the san jose team or something.

    ok, prolly not. but u catch my drift?

  • thropethrope 750 Posts
    the MLS has a weird system where the actual league owns all the players, and this contract isnt even all on MLS's back, or something weird. basically its a great deal for MLS.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    HUUUUUGGEEEE win for Beckham.

    -Gets millions of dollars, even though his old team and even own country don't care for him as a player anymore.

    -Gets to avoid the UK press for a while....because in LA...c'mon dude it's just soccer.

    -Gets to live the cheesedick lifestyle he seems to love. faux hawks & cornrows for everybody.

    and MLS get a little press for the next season.

    The only person who loses is the owner of the LA Galaxy who won't come close to recouping his money.

    He can still bring something to a team, limited though he may be. I think he'll be relieved to write off his time at Madrid and get back to just playing football in the sunshine and in a low-pressure environment for a few years. And if you think Galaxy's owners won't recoup, go to the Far East and see how many kids are rocking Real Madrid jerseys with Beckham's name and number, after throwing out their old Manchester Utd jerseys. If they were to start selling replica Beckham jerseys now, they'd be halfway to recouping before he'd even kicked a ball for Galaxy. Most of that $250m they're paying him will be for his image rights, the value of which, even now, is still insanely high.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts


    International Poseur

    I rekkin he doesn't fucking RUN.

    I rekkin LA's gonna have to bring in three more players to carry his ass. Some of them don't take too kindly to that (see: Terry, John in WC'06).

    I rekkin he fades more often than a Rane TTM56 (all things record related)

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    I remember when the New York Cosmos signed Pele and how he was going to single handedly make Soccer the #1 sport in America.

    Still waiting.

  • I rekkin he fades more often than a Rane TTM56 (all things record related)

    Take that shit to the obscure joke thread.

  • TabaskoTabasko 1,357 Posts
    HUUUUUGGEEEE win for Beckham.

    -Gets millions of dollars, even though his old team and even own country don't care for him as a player anymore.

    -Gets to avoid the UK press for a while....because in LA...c'mon dude it's just soccer.

    -Gets to live the cheesedick lifestyle he seems to love. faux hawks & cornrows for everybody.

    and MLS get a little press for the next season.

    The only person who loses is the owner of the LA Galaxy who won't come close to recouping his money.


  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts


    International Poseur

    I rekkin he doesn't fucking RUN.

    I rekkin LA's gonna have to bring in three more players to carry his ass. Some of them don't take too kindly to that (see: Terry, John in WC'06).

    I rekkin he fades more often than a Rane TTM56 (all things record related)

    Nah, he gets to play at being a Franz Beckenbauer for the O.C. generation.

    The Germans on the board are going to kill me for that.

  • jleejlee 1,539 Posts
    HUUUUUGGEEEE win for Beckham.

    -Gets millions of dollars, even though his old team and even own country don't care for him as a player anymore.

    -Gets to avoid the UK press for a while....because in LA...c'mon dude it's just soccer.

    -Gets to live the cheesedick lifestyle he seems to love. faux hawks & cornrows for everybody.

    and MLS get a little press for the next season.

    The only person who loses is the owner of the LA Galaxy who won't come close to recouping his money.

    He can still bring something to a team, limited though he may be. I think he'll be relieved to write off his time at Madrid and get back to just playing football in the sunshine and in a low-pressure environment for a few years. And if you think Galaxy's owners won't recoup, go to the Far East and see how many kids are rocking Real Madrid jerseys with Beckham's name and number, after throwing out their old Manchester Utd jerseys. If they were to start selling replica Beckham jerseys now, they'd be halfway to recouping before he'd even kicked a ball for Galaxy. Most of that $250m they're paying him will be for his image rights, the value of which, even now, is still insanely high.

    perhaps, but i just read that REAL Madrid gets 50% of his image rights money...and assuming MLS and Beckham get a portion, the owner still will be in the hole for a while though...

    but you hit the nail on the head. this has little to do with playing, and everything with marketing his name. And while i agree he was huge years ago, fact is nowadays you will likely see 10 Ronaldinho shirts for every one Beckham shirt. But here in the states he is only kinda big, so he does have room to grow his image over here.

    Good for him, Good for MLS. But lets not kid ourselves that his move is going to make the quality of soccer that much better any time soon here in the US.

  • FlomotionFlomotion 2,390 Posts
    HUUUUUGGEEEE win for Beckham.

    -Gets millions of dollars, even though his old team and even own country don't care for him as a player anymore.

    -Gets to avoid the UK press for a while....because in LA...c'mon dude it's just soccer.

    -Gets to live the cheesedick lifestyle he seems to love. faux hawks & cornrows for everybody.

    and MLS get a little press for the next season.

    The only person who loses is the owner of the LA Galaxy who won't come close to recouping his money.

    He can still bring something to a team, limited though he may be. I think he'll be relieved to write off his time at Madrid and get back to just playing football in the sunshine and in a low-pressure environment for a few years. And if you think Galaxy's owners won't recoup, go to the Far East and see how many kids are rocking Real Madrid jerseys with Beckham's name and number, after throwing out their old Manchester Utd jerseys. If they were to start selling replica Beckham jerseys now, they'd be halfway to recouping before he'd even kicked a ball for Galaxy. Most of that $250m they're paying him will be for his image rights, the value of which, even now, is still insanely high.

    perhaps, but i just read that REAL Madrid gets 50% of his image rights money...and assuming MLS and Beckham get a portion, the owner still will be in the hole for a while though...

    but you hit the nail on the head. this has little to do with playing, and everything with marketing his name. And while i agree he was huge years ago, fact is nowadays you will likely see 10 Ronaldinho shirts for every one Beckham shirt. But here in the states he is only kinda big, so he does have room to grow his image over here.

    Good for him, Good for MLS. But lets not kid ourselves that his move is going to make the quality of soccer that much better any time soon here in the US.

    They will make that money back easily - he is still one of the biggest sporting stars on the planet. Whoever mentioned the Far East kids rocking Beckham jerseys hit the nail on the head. Overseas broadcast rights will also make a pile for them. Not sure that Beckham will be the catalyst that kicks US soccer into the stratosphere but great move for him personally.

  • thropethrope 750 Posts
    stolen from another board

    "The $250 million is mostly paid by AEG and apparently includes his image.

    Reports were that while at Real Madrid he earned $44 million a year for his endorsements and image - which Madrid took a percentage of. Now, take that $44 million for 5 years and you have $220 million - that AEG just purchased (and can resell to the highest bidders). Beckham gets more money for his endorsements and it is guaranteed. That leaves about $6 million a year for him being on the field. MLS as an entity is only on the hook for $400K.

    The publicity they get out of this is worth far more than $400K. They wil probably get some Asian TV revenue out of this as well."

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts
    Becks deal is all about exposure. Becks will bring it. How much is another matter.

    But this really does seem like he's really just now collecting his pension. Know wot I mean???

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts


    Beckham in Los Angeles? That's like Chris Webber moving to another team.

    Soccer is aiite. But the MLS gets as much respect from the average American as the WNBA.

  • BelsonBelson 880 Posts
    If he keeps his mouth shut he might do OK.

    If he starts all of this 'speaking' lark, then the sports pundits over here will have a field day.

    He's not the sharpest tool in the box.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    If he keeps his mouth shut he might do OK.

    If he starts all of this 'speaking' lark, then the sports pundits over here will have a field day.

    He's not the sharpest tool in the box.

    Ha ha ain't that the truth!

    Kinda sad to see a player who is only 31 and was the England captain a mere 6 months ago basically giving up on his career (no offense intended to USA soccer fans).

    While I'm of the camp who believe he isn't the player he was (he couldn't run much in the first place and now seems unable to run at all) and that he has been overrated in his career let's not forget without him we wouldn't even have had the chance to collapse at international tournaments. Doesn't help that he has never been, and never will be a winger.

    Funny how quickly it all turns, I remember when players wouldn't make this kind of leap until they were in their late thirties.

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,518 Posts
    let's not forget without him we wouldn't even have had the chance to collapse at international tournaments.

  • JBCJBC 25 Posts
    Kinda sad to see a player who is only 31 and was the England captain a mere 6 months ago basically giving up on his career (no offense intended to USA soccer fans).

  • This guy will be playing wing?!

    Exactly the reason why soccer in America is a joke. Who put him there? Bruce Arenas? There's plenty of skill to compete on the international stage, but there aren't enough soccer minds.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    Nah, he'll have enough clout to demand the central midfield/playmaker role he's always seen himself in/coveted, hence the Beckenbauer comparison I made upthread. I still believe he has plenty to offer as a player, but in hindsight, Madrid wasn't a good move for him. He wouldn't ever have been first choice in centre-mid ahead of Figo, nor would he have been the automatic dead-ball specialist over Roberto Carlos. Obviously this is a good look for him money-wise, but I think it'll be good for him as a player too. The more I think about it, the more likely it seems that he'll do his five years in LA, then come back and do a season or two in the Premier League to round off his playing career. Teddy Sheringham's turned 40, and still plays Premiership football for West Ham United, my local team. Absolutely no reason why Beckham couldn't do likewise if he stayed in shape.

  • Nah, he'll have enough clout to demand the central midfield/playmaker role he's always seen himself in, hence the Beckenbauer comparison I made upthread. I still believe he has plenty to offer as a player, but in hindsight, Madrid wasn't a good move for him. He wouldn't ever have been first choice in centre-mid ahead of Figo, nor would he have been the automatic dead-ball specialist over Roberto Carlos. Obviously this is a good look for him money-wise, but I think it'll be good for him as a player too. The more I think about it, the more likely it seems that he'll do his five years in LA, then come back and do a season or two in the Premier League to round off his playing career. Teddy Sheringham's turned 40, and still plays Premiership football for West Ham United, my local team. Absolutely no reason why Beckham couldn't do likewise if he stayed in shape.

    He isn`t in shape.

    He was the ONLY player in the world cup throwing up on the pitch due to a lack of fitness.

    His off field interests have taken over his love for the game in my view.This move is perfect for him.

    It`s difficult to remember another international captain having such a huge fall from grace like Becks has.He knows he`ll never get back in the England team and playing in the U.S. wouldn`t help any ambition to get back in the squad.

    Teddy Sheringham is a great example of what a great professional should be,along with the likes of Strachan,Speed et all..

    I don`t think he`ll be able to hide behind a few free-kicks - even in a smaller league.

    He just wants Lebron,Jordan status which he might get off the field - but

  • I also think he will do better in this new setting simply because he has been a hugely overrated player his entire career and will flourish with people slightly below his talent.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    I also think he will do better in this new setting simply because he has been a hugely overrated player his entire career and will flourish with people slightly below his talent.

    People get it twisted about Beckham. He's not, and never was, a virtuoso do-anything, defy-the-laws-of-physics player like your Ronaldinhos, but he's one of the best strikers of a dead ball in the modern game, he's a sublime crosser of the ball, and he works as hard as his physical limitations will allow - he's never been one to go missing in a game, which can't always be said of certain, more prodigiously talented, colleagues of his. Most Man U fans will deny it to their graves, but they missed him for at least a season after he left for Madrid - he wasn't that easy to replace. Believe me, I'm a Liverpool fan, and getting a good word out of me even for an ex-Man United player ain't easy, but the fact is, a lot of people don't want to give Beckham credit for what he's good at because of his celebrity, whereas if he looked like Peter Beardsley (who he reminds me of as a player, to some extent), and didn't have a social-climber wife like Victoria, they wouldn't say half the shit about him that they do.

  • I thought this thread was about that moder soul killer:

  • I'll agree with the deadball and crossing skills.

    I'm trying to figure out which position he would have been better utilized in, but I can't come up with anything. Attacking defensive wing is out because he has no stamina (squash the Beckenbauer comparisons then), half-back wing is absolutely out of the question (one of the most atrocious passers I've seen), forward maybe but he's not a pure scorer... I just don't know....

    What's your take? I'm left baffled how this guy's star shot so highly.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    I thought this thread was about that moder soul killer:

    Hahaha - someone should photoshop Beckham's head onto that, and get their bootleg on NOW.

  • holmesholmes 3,532 Posts
    Who do you reckon is more famous? Beckham, Jordan or U2???
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