Phill_MostPhill_Most 4,594 Posts
edited December 2006 in Strut Central
i need a fly muthafuckin ass lamp. any suggestions? thanks


  • my hammie scooter from back in the day used to light his farts on fire and call it the ass-lamp. it was cool til he scorched his cornhole.

  • i need a fly muthafuckin ass lamp. any suggestions? thanks

    Are you going for a wall sconce, a hanging lamp, or a stand-alone lamp?

    What is the theme of the room?

    Can it have antlers on it, or are you looking for a clean, modernist lamp?

  • i need a fly muthafuckin ass lamp. any suggestions? thanks

    Are you going for a wall sconce, a hanging lamp, or a stand-alone lamp?

    What is the theme of the room?

    Can it have antlers on it, or are you looking for a clean, modernist lamp?

    im tryna get that modern schitt, dun... no hangin schitt, maybe some wall schitt but probably somethin standin upright. i dont know nuthin bout no scones, i thought was some bakery schitt


  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    Well, since it is the Christmas season...

    Whynot get this?


  • dammit DOR beat me to it!


    The Arco lamp is always a good look. Just do a search for "Castiglioni Lamp." I've been meaning to get myself some of these lamps, but they usually cost a bit.

 has a variety of modern lamps, but they are all at least $100. Worth a look for ideas, at least.

  • Just make one like i did.

  • Just make one like i did.

  • maybe go halogen... not sure if they are still dangerous but they are sure as hell bright. just dont go for fluorescent.

    maybe check out goodwill for some antique looking ones. just make sure the wiring is straight.

  • cpeetzcpeetz 2,112 Posts

    The George Nelson Bubble lamp is a classic modern design.
    They have them in the permanent collection of The Museum of Modern Art even.
    Modernica remakes them now...
    I wish had the scratch to get one for my place.

  • DrJoelDrJoel 932 Posts

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    this thread has the potential to be really ill. does anyone on here know alot about lamps for some reason? Put us on game!

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts


    we had made a flute one that was like that trumpet one, but it fell apart or someting.

  • bozakbozak 334 Posts
    Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    you can go to designwithinreach ( and luminaire ( have hot shit.

    I would start there and do some digging.

  • Or shotgun a 24 case of Becks, and then build a random pixel generating light with the cans:

    see more on how it was made hurr...
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