bush and blair press conference

The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
edited December 2006 in Strut Central
God, I didnt think Bush could get more arrogant...absolutely IGNORED the "would you admit that the current course of action in Iraq has failed" and answered with some arrogant ass "This is what Im doing"..it was like a little kid whining "gosh mom, I will take out the garbage..jeez.." when asked for the 400th time...Blair said the same shit, but with more polysyllablic words and a charming accent...


  • He's like a political suicide bomber. Self-destructing, but intent on taking the rest of us with him.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Do you think he would publicly describe his decision as a mistake? I'm not surprised at all by his behavior.

  • Do you think he would publicly describe his decision as a mistake? I'm not surprised at all by his behavior.

    Less "he would" than "he should".... b/w I'm not surprised either...

  • Do you think he would publicly describe his decision as a mistake? I'm not surprised at all by his behavior.

    yeah, I keep forgetting, only a intellegent man with character would admit a mistake.
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