freestyle fellowship heavyweights mystery...
236 Posts
this has bothered me before and now that i'm doing my history of the posse cut and want to play this track I just realized I don't think I ever figured it out. On this song if you read the CD credits it doesn't seem to read write because there's a mc missing or i'm bugging out. This is what the CD reads:after into and all that:1)Mtulazaji P.E.A.C.E2)Cockney O' Dire3)Archie4)Volume 105)Micah 96)Self Jupiter7)Spoon Of Iodine8)Aceyalone9)Ganjah K I definitley know who everyone is from Volume 10 on. I know who PEACE is and he rhyme really short. Cockney is pretty obvious. I always assumed Archie was right after Cockney and starts and says "48 beats, 12 bars..." and ends with "I'm trying to find out where you head is...heavyweights". Then there's a break with Cockney "coaching". Then it comes in with the MC doing the "Chopin it up again" and ends with "Swinging the battle ax"... Who is that? It sounds a lil mike Micah but I know that Volume 10 comes next and that's definitey Micah after him with the beginning is not words but then he says his name...