why are the most asshurt ebay customers the ones..

The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
edited December 2006 in Strut Central
..who spend less than 10 bucks?dude won a 45, for cheap, not happy with condition. Fine. Send it back, I will refund your money. "Are you gonna send me money so i can send it back" uhh, no, read my auction: "shipping costs are non-refundable" "I dont care what your auction says" Well, sorry, you dont get your money back until I get the record back.How is it that if someone spends $500 on a 45, they are happy as a muhfugger and leave me great feedback, but if someone spends their lunch money, they are pissed as hell?


  • because cheap cats are petty bitches. You would think getting a record you wanted on the cheap would be dope as fuck to people, but they don't appreciate a fucking thing. Like you didn't pay the dough to ship him the jawn! fuck them busters!!!

    okay I've vented. PEACE

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    These are the same people who want 5 $1 records at a show for $3. Buy more, you get a break, but 5 for $3? Cornballs. GTFOH. No one else was complainin'.
    There, I vented too.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts
    I swear to god. I once had a dude want him money back 2 months later on a $1 record. Comes into the shop and is all "This record skips on the last track" blah blah blah...

    I also once had a dude try to return records he stole from us.

  • I also once had a dude try to return records he stole from us.

    we have crates of records out on the porch we sell for 25 cents a piece, we have people complain all the damn time they are scratched....

    also dudes try and bring the porch records into the shop and try and sell them to us...one dude even got pissed that we wouldnt buy them

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    we have crates of records out on the porch we sell for 25 cents a piece, we have people complain all the damn time they are scratched....

    I would maybe knock off two or three cents.
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