yo for real i got s.o.s. COMPUTER PROBLEMS...halp!
7,636 Posts
i turn on my laptop today and after i type in my password, it says this shit:windows couldnt start due to an error in softwarereport error as:load needed DLLS for kernelWTF?????can i get a lifeline??????i gotta go to a wedding enniversary of people ive never met before in my life (dont even know their names). when i come back i will sacrifice an alley cat on top of my laptop in hopes of appeasing its fickle circuitry. i dont want to go this route, but its all i can think of doing proactively.soulstrut, plaese to help. plaese to help.
Time to reformat.
EDIT: Of course, I'd get a second opinion, but nearly everytime you're dealing with kernel problems, you're fucked.
all may not be lost, but hopefully u have a firewire drive backing up your important stuff???
DLL is dynanmic link library. there's a good chance you're screwed, but an outside chance you can get around it with a windows install disk long enough to fix the problem.
Yeah if you type in the exact error message into google or MS support, you might be in luck and just need to copy a dll from the recovery console (using your installation disc) to sys32 directory or something like that.
Reading this makes me even happier to be a mac user.
Don't get me wrong I have nothing against a PC and I'm not a mac snob but it just seems like every time there is a "computer problems" thread it's PC related.
Any mac users ever have problems like this? Not me. In fact going 12 years strong problem free. Fat 32 lol.
its a sony pcg f650. bought it off a friend. its probably 5-6 years old.
where can i take it to find some computer whiz technician magician type? anyone in philly need some work??
i got my 20 page LP/45 want list and all my girls numbers on that thing.
do not reformat before you try reinstalling windows. backup all your shit somehow after you do so
no damage happened to the computer besides me eating vegetarian food near it, so im not sure what triggered this compu-tantrum
believe me, that will be the first move.
first i got to resuscitate this thing
But, you might be right. Maybe you need someone to have a look at it for you. All im saying is that formatting is a last resort. Again, get the exact error message and put it in quotes in google. there might be an easy answer for you.
no, that's it. must have been the vegetarian food
If you can, I'd yank that hard drive out and see if you can't back up your shit BEFORE you start dicking around with trying to save it. I've had this shit happen to me a few times, and it burns.....
seriously- rescue data first. rescue laptop later.
That might be worth a go, it seems pretty simple to do but you will need a windows boot cd.
if you have a spare desktop....
then you can reformat and do it all up.
The important thing is not to write over the disk, all you 1s and 0s are still there, it's just that there is a problem accessing them. Get ready to wait though. Once the program starts extracting information to your external HD, it can take a while depending on how much stuff you have. I mean like HOURS. so let it run all night or something. Data rescue II is the Mac version Data Rescue PC is the (DUH) PC version.
Check it.