BUSH BABEES :: new article @ GLmag :: GOLDEN RAERA

TREWTREW 2,037 Posts
edited December 2006 in Announcements
NEW REWIND at groundliftmag.com[/b] Next to the category "Where Are They Now?", I've created a category in my mind called, "What the fuck happened?" It's related to the former, yes, but the asking of it implies that something occurred that stunted the progress of a group that really should have made it further than it did. I tend to place Da Bush Babees such a category. In the here-today-gone-tomorrow world of hip-hop, putting out two whole albums (1994'S Ambushed and 1996's Gravity) is nothing to sneeze at, but a group with such potential should have at least made to three or four. BUSH BABEES[/b]
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