People on the East Coast.........

pjl2000xlpjl2000xl 1,795 Posts
edited December 2006 in Strut Central
You feeling this fucking wind? I SAID GOD DAMN!!!!!!!! Shit is going wild out here in PA


  • You feeling this fucking wind? I SAID GOD DAMN!!!!!!!! Shit is going wild out here in PA

    i was picking up a pizza for work, and the wind blew the box open...

    pizza on parking lot.

  • don the Triple Fat Goose Down folls, they say this is gonna be the storm of the Century!!!

    PS Sunny with slight breezein Cali.

  • Just another day I'm gonna have to go walking around the yard picking up branches...

  • pjl2000xlpjl2000xl 1,795 Posts
    but i gotta say though the weather is beautiful when it ain't blowing at 75 miles an hour. It must be like 65 degrees out there today. Fucking december 1st and its feels like august.

  • Shit is going wild out here in PA

    yea it is. i was ducking behind buildings to talk on my cell on my way to work, sounded like i was speaking inside a vacuum cleaner. saw a hipster bycle dude have his hat fly off mid-peddle and have to circle back to scoop it up.

  • DrJoelDrJoel 932 Posts
    I saw two accidents in the span of about 15-20 mins, i was supposed to be moving stuff into my new spot but just decided to stay home after the first trip. Something about not being a part of a head on collision by about 20 seconds just makes me want to stay indoors.

  • There was apparently a tornado in the area of Power Kingdom/Tree City/Poughkeepsie.
    PKNY, you still alive?
    What's good????

    Can't find my cat.
    I think (hope) she's hiding somewhere in the crib.

  • pknypkny 549 Posts

    There was apparently a tornado in the area of Power Kingdom/Tree City/Poughkeepsie.
    PKNY, you still alive?
    What's good????

    Can't find my cat.
    I think (hope) she's hiding somewhere in the crib.

    Yeah, we made it through OK. Shit got a little hectic, I found my recycling bins blown to the other side of my backyard. Hope your cat made it through OK.

    It's a shame all the Xmas festivities downtown got cancelled last night, I was looking forward to the fireworks/bridge light show.

  • Hope your cat made it through OK.

    Bay Area cold but not windy. L'il gentrification festival block party here on Hayes street last night. Skipped it and went to the bars on Valencia. Drank too much.
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