vice guide to travels

grandpa_shiggrandpa_shig 5,799 Posts
edited November 2006 in Strut Central
i know some of you are too cool for it but i promise you its pretty damn good.anyways, i quit smoken the tweeds about a month ago and i just had the weirdest dream last night that i was in this grocery store costcolike thing and this dude went nuts and was attacking people with pruning shears and he half chopped my weiner with it. like my weiner was still there but it was hanging by a blood vessel or something and then some other dude got all mad and started chopping peoples weiners off with pruning shears too except he saw that my weiner package was already half chopped so instead he cut off my finger and then i woke up and lucky for me i usually wake up with my hand down my pants so as to protect my junk from the dream monsters, yeah.anyways i thought id ask for some dream analysis since everyone here is very smart and in tune with them chakras. on second thought maybe i should ask the weirdrecordsthatsuck dudes...


  • cascas 1,484 Posts
    that dvd is pretty good. the only criticism i have is that the pieces were a little too short.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts

  • i aint no hollaback girlllll!

  • shiggy!

    I think we all know what that dream signifies....

  • OMdingle!!!! dude i was hanging out with mr. lu yesterday and your name came up while talking about the islavista chapter of record fiends. whats up on the new album? we both want to hear it!

  • OMdingle!!!! dude i was hanging out with mr. lu yesterday and your name came up while talking about the islavista chapter of record fiends. whats up on the new album? we both want to hear it!

    album is done...I've had it mastered from a sick's getting liscensed to a Japanese label as well (coming out on Galapagos4)...and Sketch is doing the cover art (last piece of the puzzle)....he just sent me a is truly the man...fucking ridiculously dope...

    tell mr. lu I said hello...and wish him a happy holidays will get to hear the album...don't're on the promo list I'm actually very pleased with how it's come out...I'm hoping you like it as well....a few of the soulslutters have heard it (jinx didn't even hate!?! haha)...but, I've been trying to keep it under wraps...till release....I'm going to try and do a show or two down, I'll keep you informed...

    and what's new with you and mr. lu? is he still record collecting? (jazz...I assume are you? what gang are you that you live in L.A.? haha...

  • high_chigh_c 1,384 Posts
    segments were definitely short. I wanted to see 4-eyed radioactive mutant tigers and dinosaurs and shit but all I got to see were hipster reporters getting drunk. really nice packaging though!

  • segments were definitely short. I wanted to see 4-eyed radioactive mutant tigers and dinosaurs and shit but all I got to see were hipster reporters getting drunk. really nice packaging though!

    I'm that to me...or shig?

  • high_chigh_c 1,384 Posts
    segments were definitely short. I wanted to see 4-eyed radioactive mutant tigers and dinosaurs and shit but all I got to see were hipster reporters getting drunk. really nice packaging though!

    I'm that to me...or shig?

    this is the the vice guide to travels dvd thread right?

  • segments were definitely short. I wanted to see 4-eyed radioactive mutant tigers and dinosaurs and shit but all I got to see were hipster reporters getting drunk. really nice packaging though!

    didnt see the packages. i rented it at the local video spot. i didnt mind that they were short. i actually appreciate short more than drawn out long postcolonial essay bullshit. the afghani gun market one was heavy.

  • I was just watching this and reading the book that came with it. The David Choe in the Congo and the Afghan piece were my favorite parts.
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