What Is It About the Kramer Situation...
890 Posts
...That makes it get such a reaction from soulstrutters?-is it the idea of a falling celebrity hitting his bottom?-is it the notion that deep down all white people secretly harbor intense racism towards minorities?-is it the fact that it was caught on camera?-does it touch a nerve?-do you feel it is a microcosm of race relations in America?I'm serious in asking this, the outpouring of posts from this 2 minute taped incident is pretty incredible. People who usually joke began calling for violence, some decided they were going to stop watching a show that was neither created or written by Richards, and many others showed a suspicious outpouring of disgust. So the big question is...WHY?
is there a need for this thread?
didnt you answer your own question?
did you want your name to be at the top of a thread?
ugly scene on a bunch of levels. he wasnt funny. he lost his composure. there was no need to bring race into the matter. he outed himself as an ugly shade of bigot.
the obvious is already on tape and theres no need to rehash that, whats not so obvious though is why people on here had the reactions they did
Let it go Guz.
You should have put this in the OG thread.
Cats like to prove how liberal they are + discuss "race" matters. Simple.
Only usually Guzzo's behind those threads
I guess this pretty much could sum it up.
I've been jonesin' to start a good race thread, maybe I just don't got it anymore
oh well, back to modern soul threads for me