CHEAP + STURDY ROADCASE for your mixer / CD deck

I've been putting off buying roadcases for my Rane mixer and Numark CD players 'cos I figured I'd be looking at $100+ per case. Then my bhangra co-DJ told me he got a pretty decent aluminum case for his mixer at Lowe's Hardware for $25. Sounded too good to be true, but I wrote down the dimensions of my equipment, went to Lowe's yesterday, and bought said case because it looked like it would fit my mixer. When I got home, not only did it fit my mixer perfectly, but my it was the right size for my CD decks, too. Plus it has a customizable foam padded interior (not shown in the pic below, but included) that you can tear by hand, so the equipment in question will fit in securely.Aluminum case w/ locks, handle, carrying strap, and customizable interior foam padding for $25? YES PLAESE. An hour later I went back and bought two more.
Guardforce18" Heavy-Duty Aluminum Tool CaseItem #: 24981??????????????Model: VGC-5200$24.94
Hope this info works for some of you looking for roadcases. It'd probably work great as an accessory case, too.

For reals.
Good looking out, Marco! I'm getting ready to buy my CD-J and I was NOT looking forward to dropping an extra hundred and some for a case.
Yep, just keep in mind that the Numark CD joints I got are considerably smaller than a Pioneer CDJ if that's what you're getting. I don't think the Pioneers would fit in these (approx. 18" x 12" x 6") cases.
Oh that's just great!
Just have to cancel my trip to Lowe's!
it also has a sholder strap, which i'm sure will come in handy. i wounder how long till this thing pops up in the turntablelab equipment section?