amazing and raer female keyboard performance video
2,564 Posts
cougar_shuttle: i hope this is a russian mail order veil woman videocougar_shuttle: very CLOSE!intoxicatedwalrus: IT GETS NO RUFFERintoxicatedwalrus: live at gyros houseintoxicatedwalrus: is that vanessa williams?cougar_shuttle: vartika wilskovtnovacougar_shuttle: maybeintoxicatedwalrus: ethnic punjabi breaksintoxicatedwalrus: i'm at the part where she uses her left hand to point at her right hand playing those high notesintoxicatedwalrus: haaaaacougar_shuttle: yeah she cold works itintoxicatedwalrus: LOC'D AFTER DARKintoxicatedwalrus: damn this is like 5 minutes longintoxicatedwalrus: she got some leeeeeeeeeegscougar_shuttle: and knows how to keep em bentintoxicatedwalrus: and wrapped around the keyboardcougar_shuttle: EVERY PIC!cougar_shuttle: oh jeahintoxicatedwalrus: so feelin thiscougar_shuttle: cool manintoxicatedwalrus: no applause at the end? weak
hahahhah. this is so great
- J
i didnt know it got viral like that
You know Steve Vai tapped that.