Post your favorite current political attack ads
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This campaign season has got to be one of the most contentious I have ever witnessed. There are some truly astonishing and outlandish ads which go beyond the typical "Joe Smith is wrong on immigration; Joe Smith is wrong for America" pablum. I have come to believe that nasty attack ads, especially those that are obtuse and nutty, are truly an American Institution; they are as USA as apple pie and Jazz music. Here's one, as posted on
Here's one I'm sure that some of these are on YouTube, but I'm going to you guys first. Make me proud.???Americans are under attack from Islamic extremists in every corner of the world. Homosexuals are mocking holy matrimony, and the lesbians and feminists are attacking everything sacred. Liberal judges have completely rewritten the Constitution,??? a narrator intones against the eerie theme song of the old ???Twilight Zone??? TV show in a television ad airing in the North Carolina district represented by Democratic Rep. Brad Miller. His long-shot challenger, Republican Vernon Robinson, appears at the end of the ad, promising to send those ???realities??? back to the Twilight Zone.
Call was 1.25....
dude, and rush taking pot shots and Michael? never vote republican.