new needle

sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
edited September 2006 in Strut Central
I need a new needle for my technics SL 1200 casue it broke (i think it might have something to do with the fact that I get the dust off it with my finger). Anyhoo, the cartridge is a Grado Silver which i assume is still okay. I want to spend under $150 and it needs to be smoewhat durable as well as sound good.and non of this just cause its me asking:


  • Hello Sabadabada,

    Sounds like you need to go easy on your equipment, my man!
    First of all, definitely get a stylus brush - it's the grown and
    sexy way to improve your sound. I cannot for the life of me believe
    how many guys I've met on Soulstrut who will pay a hundred dollars
    or more for an album, yet they don't even own a stylus brush!

    Having said that, I would recommend those Ortofon cartridges that
    came out last year. They are way more durable than any others I've
    owned, and stand up to more wear and tear. Good luck, and go easy
    on 'em Sab!

    Bill O'Reilly

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts
    All you need to have a happy, clean stylus is a piece of the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.

    Simply let your stylus dive on it a couple of times and you will see the gunk left on the foam. Do not drag the stylus on it or you won't have a stylus after that.

  • Sincerely,
    Bill O'Reilly

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