Heres a few pics from some shows...
Amir...about to drop some latin heat in Helsinki. A really great night, playing very deep without any interruption
Myself, and the legend ....Don Blackman. He murdered the show we did with him and Linda Williams...at the jazz Cafe in London. Another night of quality disco/soul/funk.
A view from the booth, as i dropped bomb after bomb..(hip hop tho) in Paris.This crowd was open..rapping along when ever i cut off the music.More to come.

or classics?
uhh..never that, strictly classics, my short term memory is a bit off...but i think atcq oh my god was one of the biggest records of the night, mind you im dropping them verse hook/ next song...alot of jams were played.
london was dope, having people dance to master force is always a good feeling.
so do you guys drag wax out overseas?
looks like you do
also as you well know on track #5 was unbelievable and well beyond godhead
and imho the pinnicale of the series
i find magic in that mix that few other mixtapes have ever offered
as my theme lowriding in jamaica for 3 months on repeat in the truck and in the house i will attest to the mood altering and drug like affect that mix has on chicks
werd sun
done[dun] almost made many babies to that shit bro
that mix has been spun and done seen sum play
imma hard workin man
doin the best I can,,,,,,,,,,
hoping #6 is like that
dang 3 years ??
saving the day ?? what party were you at ? sounds like you might be hating a bit....because i didnt play the 45s i brought ?
But that's just me.
I would have thought that this kind of show is all about raer funk/soul/jazz 45's and LP's. Very disapointing indeed...
You must have been in Paris, if so....your stance should not be "we" it should be "i"
First off....do you think I wanted to play that ? My objective is to rock the crowd...period. Lets not forget this was also a release party for a HIP HOP lp !
And if i remember correctly..in Paris Naughty by Nature had one of the BIGGEST reactions from the crowd...what are you really saying ?
There were only 2 parties where the crowd pretty much dictated the music should be on some hip hop shit.
That being said, I play for the majority not the minority, which would be 5 men who most likely dont dance.
Judging from the reactions i got playing the same "classics WE'RE all tired of" don't you mean "I" ? You should not speak for the people having a good time in the photos...you seem to be the only one tired.
I murdered that shit...hands down, unless the pics and video footage i have are fake.
Pay me to bring my vinyl on flights, and to play for you in your living room....
Its all about vibe ....would you rather people have a bad time because YOU want to hear rare shit all night?
People need to connect with songs they know and love..maybe you wanted me to alienate people.
Blame the promoters for not having an educated crowd....where the MAJORITY wants to hear unknown shit all night. YOU GOT TO GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT
By the way... if your about the music ..the mp3 talk is garbage...or maybe you just care about vinyl for the sake of vinyl.
this topic is tired...i should not even be responding to this silly shit...but you got me.
the end
You guys should drink more. I mean ALOT more. 90 minutes of raer run-out grooves can sound awesome if you are shitfaced enough.
Or......... quit complaining and start your own night so you can hear the music you want.....
or......... just keep posting on the interent about how unhappy you are.....
its all good to me. I'm dreadfully sober and jet lagged.
Also it seems like this type of thing happens. Like in Berlin when we were doing our thing the other night, some dude was yelling/rapping to me and his rap was something like "You don't care about hip-hop but I DO" or something along those lines. I think it's a European thing. I feel like telling these cats like "Yo, I was rocking parties to Boot Camp Click records when them shits came out. If that's what the party dictates then do it but if not don't be a shitbird about it."
Like in my routine I have Redd Holt, Big Daddy Kane, Thunder & Lightning, David Banner, fucking Herb Albert, Nelly Furtado, Belle Epoque. Fuck it I do my thing.
BOTTOM LINE: If you're a dude who cannot learn to enjoy themself then don't come out to the club.
Fuck em.
Slurg, judging from the pics it looks to me like the crowd was having a good time. This is the DJs prime objective. You got to play with the venue/crowd in mind. Looks like K&A were doing just that, and according to Amir, the strictly raer stuff was not the thing for that particular gig. It might have been what you were expecting, and I can understand why, but hey, that's just how it goes sometimes. It shouldn't prevent you from enjoying yourself.
I think the 2 different bookings here in Copenhagen were a good way to do it. Wednesday night they were playing at Rust, which is a "club" club, where I suspect the crowd might have been a little conservative and hit-seeking. Thursday night they were playing at Stengade 30, which usually has a more laidback and open crowd. Plus the band who were playing before them was a psychedelic Sun Ra tribute thing. Now, I wasn't there, but I can imagine that they would be playing a totally different selection for that night.
And A.Iverson, those hiphop trainspotter fools are indeed a real drag. Fuck 'em. I know you're playing with Ayres and Eleven @ Rust tonight. Go kick some ass. I can't make it, because I got to get up early tomorrow.
Did the crowd finally show up? I had to leave early and it was somehow disappointing that you guys had to perform for a small crowd.
(I didn??t have to pay to get in = I don??t worry about the disco (?) stuff played until around 2.30am
The whole hiphop scene in Europe has always had a very loud keep-it-real-crowd that would rather see an entire room ice grilled listening to Group Home than people having fun and dancing to One Thing. Then there's the digging subtype - ie "If it ain't raer it's crap". God forbid the "uneducated" crowd should happen to enjoy themselves...
There is no such thing as "a European thing". You have all kind of different crowds depending on where you play. At my gigs I have as many people complaining about not getting enough "real hip-hop" as complaining about not getting enough "jiggy" stuff and I'm doing the dj thing for 15 years or more.
Kon did what a dj is supposed to do. I remember having te guys over like three ago at a party I set up in Cologne with Scope and Defcon. We had maybe 70 people, lost a lot of money and loved it to the max because the K+A's boogie selection was off the hook!!!!!
I missed you in Berlin the last weekend. I was playing only a few miles away with Deejoe and Wax Buzzard the same night :-)
Saturday till monday I tried to dig all city dry before you guys show up - nah, um kidding!
Hope you had fun, unless it mighht wasn't too crowded. Kon: I feel U! getting people danceing is the first mission objective of a DJ. Playing raer is optional! Unless I must say we (Disco Diamant) palyed with Wax Buzzard and werent that disciplined! After a short while it went to a crate ping pong showcase of oddities & crude funky stuff between us. In fact we did not care 2 much, because it was only some ppl there. But - we had all the girls on our dancefloor & had them dancing at least for some hours!
Amir: Let Deejoe or Daryll hook you up with Roskow from Jazzanova, I guess all you guys will have a great time listening, trading and talk records...
Have a nice time digging & a great stay in Berlin. Best from Cologne,
BTW: Wake that boy James up, I think he's sleeping... I mailed several times to get a date, only to get not answered? YEEEAAAARNING!