Speaking of funkyou! Did this make sense?

http://cgi.ebay.com/25-COPIES-Modern-Sou...1QQcmdZViewItemFunkyou! sold off three batches of these (there might be more, I'm too lazy to look). Basically, he was able to unload 75 copies of this 45 at $18/pop. Do folks think the buyers made a good decision here? I'm not seeking to criticize, I'm more curious as to the risk-management of such a decision. If buyers know there's 75 mint copies out there, is $18 too high or too low?
basically it is such a northern hit that 75 isn't nearly enough to go around. the demand is corroborated by the ease he had in selling 25 packs. also i think the street value of that record is higher than $40 usd, not a bad buy for those who sell to northerns.
Cool - thanks for the
I was only asking because it's been said to me by dealers, again and again, that it's usually NAGL to put too much quantity of stock copies at the same time but funkyou! strikes me as someone who's not stupid ergo my interest in the risk management on all sides.
this doesn't sell to northern fans, its a stepper, different sound. it does go for around $100 a pop to the boogie/stepper people mainly in london and the south... and the french - and boogie times is a reputable french dealer... minted on that little batch