Sayin'!You know the whole stereotype that they showed in High-Fidelity? It's true, but worse in real life! I'm tired of the hollier-than-though attitude these people have.If I want to put records on hold for 3 days and not buy anything why not! Just last month I bought a Def Leopard cass-single AND offered to give you a super sweet deal on my Billy Joel and Hall & Oates collection. BE THANKFULL!It's bad enough I have to go in there and put up with your sub-par sound system (Whent's the last you chaned the RCA's on your stereo? TERRIBLE!!?!?!?) but when I do decide to go and talk shop for about 4 hours you guys give me the stink-eye for not buying anything! HEY WHAT I DECIDE TO PURCHASE AND FLIP ON EBAY FOR A NOMINAL PROFIT IS MY PEROGATIVE!Furthermore, you guys need more lights in these stores! Just last weekend I was hunting for some out-of-print Stones releases and when I hit pay dirt I coudn't inspect it as thoroughly as possible. Luckilyy my white gloves and my super secret price guide prevented me from wasting my hard-earned 9 dollars.Seriously, you guys need get in together and become a REAL RECORD STORE! AND SOME FREE COFEE WOULD BE NICE AS WELL!SHEESH!