Tribe Called Quest tonight in SF...(guilt related)
8,039 Posts
So a homegirl had a pair of tickets to see ATCQ tonight in SF. I kinda of slept and didn't get the pair. I've been told you can still cop tickets.My dilemna is that I'm really not that motivated to go and see them. This is kind of a hard thing to admit becuase really no other groups/artists/whatever has had a bigger impact on me them those 3 dudes. I feel even worse knowing that this probally the last time they'll perform, I have the money for a ticket, and I don't have any gigs tonight/have a night off.Fuck...AHH MAN DAMN!Am I just tripping.......a part of me wants to go and break my promise of staying in tonight and making music
Youll probably pop in the cd anyway. I do understand your gut feelin though.
damn! well I went on the ticketmaser site and I wasn't allowed to purchase tickets. So no way am I going to Berkeley (30-ish minute drive just to maybe get shut-out). Plus I just ate a gang of shrimp and rice so I'm kind of in a slight food coma.
and Yo chan...98 WAS A LONG TIME AAAAAaaaaaaggggoooooooooooo
yeah man I can't believe it's almost been a decade. I'm starting realizing that a lot of music that had an impact on me post golden-era is close to a decade old. Shit just today I saw Goodie Mob's first CD and I read the liner notes "1996"
get on yer bunny suit & lets go. if theres no more tickets, im sure we can find some other trouble to get into.
dont be
they would be proud.
man i just sit for like 2 hours and didn't make jack shit....fuck it's only like 9:40 Cali.
I see you.....I need to make something. I haven't made a beat in a like a month. We'll get up tomorrow morning for waffles or something.
I have several beat requests out there, and I've been chillin'.
Big Stacks from Kakalak
Tell me about it... My friend and I do this live trivia thing where we ask a question, play a song and people have the length of the song to turn in an answer. They bet points and at the end of the game the team with the best score wins money. Well, for the halftime question we had a visual question where there were pictures of 5 album covers that had titles including the word "sex" in some form in them. The covers were altered so you couldn't see the titles. One of the albums was "Sex Packets" by Digital Underground. The team this guy I know plays with didn't get it right and I talked to them afterwards, saying "You didn't know Digital Underground? It's not *that* old!" but the guy had no clue at all... I realized the guy is 21 and when the album came out he was *six*. I remember when the album came out and 'The Humpty Dance' blew up and "Sex Packets" was a huuuge deal, and now kids today don't even know of the album. I felt really old that night.
is that 'stump' brand pub trivia?
played more than my fair share of that...ah, the 'cambridge rod and gun club'.
Actually, it is more of a lack of motivation (fatigue after work-related). It's tough having a career and doing music on the side. It must great to be able to devote full attention to making music.
Big Stacks from Kakalak
found my friend in my kitchen this morning when I woke up who immediately got in my face (literally) to tell me how amazing/satisfying/gratifyin/last inna lifetime the show was for him. he loved it. berkeley community theater...gotta love it
Yes sir! They played here last weekend in Seattle and I would have gone but I was already working at another show for the day
i'll pretend i didn't read this post b/w I hope your rooom mate is full of it and just got into rap 3 years ago.
and just to clarify i didn't make shit last night.
Noz said they had male scrippers at the recent show he attended.