trailer for DePalma's "Black Dahlia"

paulnicepaulnice 924 Posts
edited August 2006 in Strut Central
Anyone see this?Apparently it was tacked on to the previews before Miami Vice, but I didn't see it.Looking forward to this.


  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    Looks decent. A little less so because of the Josh Harnett narration. Dude is trying to steal Morgan Freeman's job, what with Sin City and the Pulp Fiction-rip starring, you guessed it, Morgan Freeman. I can't even remember what they movie was called and I saw it less than six months ago.

    Black Dahlia trailer looked pretty good though. Hopefully they don't dumb it down too much.

  • James Ellroy 4 Life

    I got hopes.

    I'm generally more forgiving of DePalma than most. Can't be worse than "L.A. Confidential".
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