PCH digging?

mrmatthewmrmatthew 1,575 Posts
edited August 2006 in Strut Central
So Im taking a road trip in a few weeks from SoCal to BigSur. Will be driving the PCH. Any of you SoCal/CentralCal/NorthernCal dudes got any advice for a "must stop" place for digging (besides LA)that might not be too far off the general route of the PCH? Any little Ca coastal towns that I should know about that are just choked full of raers?


  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    I don't mean to be too discouraging, but there is an awful lot of nothing in-between LA and SF. I think there are some shops in Santa Cruz, and perhaps there might be some interesting little towns in the Big Sur area since it was infested with hippies back in day, but central CA is pretty dead record-wise (and other-wise) by all accounts. But who knows. I've found records in the darndest places.

    Have fun!

  • but central CA is pretty dead record-wise (and other-wise) by all accounts.

    HOW DARE YOU!!!!![/b]
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