RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
edited August 2006 in Strut Central
Tell me your story.


  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    When I was 16 I worked at a Round table pizza. 5 Days into it a guy came to the counter showed me a gun and said give me the money in the register.

    He walked out with $100.

    I quit less than an hour later

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts
    I did.

    When I was 15, I went over to meet up w/ my friend. He wasn't at his house, so I headed back to the crib. As I'm walking home, I started talking to this dude who said he knew where I could find my hommie. About 2 min. later, 2 dudes hop out of nowhere and pull a pistol on me. They got me for my jacket.

    I'm still looking for those punk bitches.

  • By cops, twice.

    I was in places I should not have been...

    I copped a twamp off a cat in 'cryptown' once, dude made a point to show his heat under his tee before selling me a light bag. I didn't complain.

    Other things: got sniped by an unseen bb gun rifle right between the eyes while skateboarding.

    Another time I was skating with some homies on blotter and car rolls by, dude fires off a couple rounds in the air and we skattered, terrified.

  • gloomgloom 2,765 Posts
    By cops, twice.

  • noznoz 3,625 Posts
    When I was 16 I worked at a Round table pizza. 5 Days into it a guy came to the counter showed me a gun and said give me the money in the register.

    He walked out with $100.

    I quit less than an hour later


  • behemothbehemoth 2,189 Posts
    By cops, twice.


    but only once

    the cop looked mad nervous as he was doing it

    like it was the first time he had done it

    in turn, i was even more nervous, logically

  • theory9theory9 1,128 Posts
    When I worked at Blockbuster, some punk pulled a .25 on me. I tried to explain to him that it was a timelock safe that I'd just opened for change (which was true), so I couldn't open it for another couple of minutes. He gets the register money--it ain't mine--and leaves.

    While leaving, he leaves a nice set of fingerprints on the freshly cleaned windows to the exit door; the police take the prints and run them. Predictably, dude was in the system and they pick him up. Turns out his girlfriend used to work there and didn't know the safe had been upgraded after she got fired...for stealing.

    Also been menaced a couple of times when I lived in the Bay.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    When I was 17 I had this dude put a .22 to my head (while on sherm no less).

    That was my dude, but he was always a likkle "off". It was a Saturday night in Job Corps and no one was around because most people had took off for the weekend. I was chilling with him watching TV when he pulled that shit. He was smiling so I knew he wasn't serious, but he said something crazy like "I could kill you right now" and had a look in his eye that could go either way. I just told him to stop playing and put that shit away.

    Anyway, about a week later dude asked me if I wanted him to hit anyone in the face with a stick that looked like this for $5. I declined.

    Ruff Rugged and

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    By cops, twice.

    Oh yeah, that too but only once for me. It was a lot of them if that makes up for it.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    Genius. This really deserves its own thread...

  • Danno3000Danno3000 2,850 Posts
    I had a pistol waved at me years ago in Peru. I was alone in a van with my pops. Apparently we shouldn't have parked the van in the spot where we did and a security guard, for reasons unknown, considered it a serious transgression. As soon as he noticed the van, he sprinted to the window and started yelling at us. My pops and I don't speak Spanish. However, my father, in his infinite wisdom, took control of the situation and instructed me to say something soothing in French. This plan was unfortunately cut short because I had my faced buried in a grenadilla, a fruit which I was eating compulsively during that time. Unable to communicate with us and clearly traumatised that the van had yet to move, the security guard took out his gun and banged it the window. I was really uncomfortable, mostly because I thought I was going to be shot while I still had all those little seeds from the grenadilla stuck to my face. We really thought the security guard was going to start shooting. Fortunately, some random guy saw the commotion, came running, and said enough to the guard to make calmly walk away. I still have no idea what it was all about.

    No all that hardcore a story, eh? But I bet mine is the only one that involves messy fruit.

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts
    Job Corps ain't no joke.

    Oh and that photoshop job of deadprez is fire!

  • DJFerrariDJFerrari 2,411 Posts
    Only once, but I was too young to remember...

    When I was 2 and my parents were dirt poor living in a tiny apartment in Chicago where the address had an actual 1/2 in it. Some guy busted into the apartment to rob the place, but he was a little off and couldn't comprehend that my parents had nothing to steal, so he tied the both of them up and held the gun at my head demanding money and stuff. Luckily some guy downstairs doing laundry made a bunch of noise so dude scrambled out of there without causing any harm. He was caught not long after for a similar offense and taken back to the mental hospital. My parents didn't tell me that story until I was 18.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    I had a pistol waved at me years ago in Peru. I was alone in a van with my pops.

    I had a dude pull an AK on a group of us in Israel. Dude didn't look like he was going to blst though, just like he wanted us to know that he could if he wanted to.

  • behemothbehemoth 2,189 Posts
    this doesnt involve me but i MUST drop the tale because it is too gangster.

    my friend use to rack tons of clothes. im talking every weekend he would go to the local factory outlets and steal thousands of dollars of clothes. now, maybe what happened next is karma to some, coincidence or whatever u wanna call it, but to say the least is insane.

    one night he was in the Gap. using wire cutters to take the security tags off pants. as he was cutting, he looks and notices this dude standing outside the store window. keep in mind it is dark out and the mall is kind of dead. this guy is just looking at him. so my boy slows his role and kinda stops cutting the tags. this dude outside gives him the "dont mind me" gesture, smiles and gives him the thumbs up. my friend smiles back and keeps cutting. he walks out like he didnt do shit with a bookbag with about $500 worth of jeans stuffed in it.

    he walks past the guy who was just watching him and gives him the head nod. the guy nods back.

    so my friend is unloading the bookbag contents into his car when all of a sudden he feels something. he turns around and the guy who was watching him has a gun pointed at his head. he says "gimme all that shit" and jacks my friend for everything he just robbed. then he spits in his face, calls him a "stupid white bitch". the guy who robbed him was black.

    then he just bounces.

    end of story

  • coffinjoecoffinjoe 1,743 Posts
    twice by police

    twice job related

    twice traffic related

    it was never any fun

  • meshmesh 925 Posts
    i have only been stuck up with a syringe(no pun). needless to say they didnt get any money out of me.

  • jdeezjdeez 638 Posts
    Archaic pulled a gun on me at the Good Life.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    Archaic pulled a gun on me at the Good Life.


  • this doesnt involve me but i MUST drop the tale because it is too gangster.

    my friend use to rack tons of clothes. im talking every weekend he would go to the local factory outlets and steal thousands of dollars of clothes. now, maybe what happened next is karma to some, coincidence or whatever u wanna call it, but to say the least is insane.

    one night he was in the Gap. using wire cutters to take the security tags off pants. as he was cutting, he looks and notices this dude standing outside the store window. keep in mind it is dark out and the mall is kind of dead. this guy is just looking at him. so my boy slows his role and kinda stops cutting the tags. this dude outside gives him the "dont mind me" gesture, smiles and gives him the thumbs up. my friend smiles back and keeps cutting. he walks out like he didnt do shit with a bookbag with about $500 worth of jeans stuffed in it.

    he walks past the guy who was just watching him and gives him the head nod. the guy nods back.

    so my friend is unloading the bookbag contents into his car when all of a sudden he feels something. he turns around and the guy who was watching him has a gun pointed at his head. he says "gimme all that shit" and jacks my friend for everything he just robbed. then he spits in his face, calls him a "stupid white bitch". the guy who robbed him was black.

    then he just bounces.

    end of story

    Word. LA riots, me and one homie decide to join looters in robbing a local pawnshop for musical instruments and whatever else we can get our hands on. we get a nice little pile of stuff into the bed of his pick up truck only to get jacked by some shoreline niggaz... they made us unload the shit we got and load it into their car. shit was all bad and mad embarrasing but at least they didn't shoot. i stayed indoors for the remainder of the LA riots.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    jacked by some shoreline niggaz... shit was all bad and mad embarrasing but at least they didn't shoot. i stayed indoors for the remainder of the LA riots.


  • MorseCodeMorseCode 1,516 Posts
    I don't want to get into the whole story 'cause its long, but my girl and I got robbed at gunpoint in the middle of the night in her house. Needless to say it was fucked up and its been a long process but dude was convicted last month and is being sentenced later this month.

  • DJFerrariDJFerrari 2,411 Posts
    Other things: got sniped by an unseen bb gun rifle right between the eyes while skateboarding.

    Another time I was skating with some homies on blotter and car rolls by, dude fires off a couple rounds in the air and we skattered, terrified.

    Jeebus Josh, where do you skate?

    In a related story, my brother accidentally shot his best friend right between the eyes with a bb gun. The kid was walking through the woods to get to our house as my brother was shooting cans. He was fine, but my parents had to deal with some bullshit child abuse/neglect charges that luckily never amounted to anything.

  • DelayDelay 4,530 Posts
    I eighth grade this dude joe **** and his friends cornered me in the hallway during lunch. there was no one anywhere nearby. They slammed me against the lockers and shoved a .38 in my neck and told me if i sold anyone in school weed again they'd kill me. I told my friend sarah about it in confidence, and later that day security came to my class and pulled me out. The pricipal and a detective were there grilling me about what happened. I denied everything that had happened even after the detective threatened to take me to jail.

    My senior year of high school, the same dude shot 3 people in a drug robbery gone wrong and got life.

  • jleejlee 1,539 Posts
    Archaic pulled a gun on me at the Good Life.

    are you sure he just didn't pelt you with granola?

    oh...and when i was 17 my dudes younger brothers who were/claimed to be bloods thought it would be funny to pull guns on the white boys. i didn't find it that amusing though...

  • Had a gun pulled on me a few times. Nothing exiting. Once by a 12 year old. I told him to put it back in the toybox and walked away. Inside I was shaking. Little numbskulls will shoot you but he was just showing off.

  • hammertimehammertime 2,389 Posts
    once, when I was about 7 or 8. I was walking home from school and a car pulled up next to me, the window went down and the passenger pointed a gun at me and it went "click". He said "bang, you're dead", and they drove off. I have no idea if it was real or not but it looked real enough to me at the time.

  • I was taking my moms to a doctor appointment a few years back and we stopped at dunkin doonuts to holler at some coffee.

    Two outstanding young men ran into the place wearing masks.
    One guy jumped the counter and the other took all of us to the back room(us and the rest of the customers) and held us down until his homie got all the money.
    he just asked us to face the wall and we did..the dude next to us was praying and he was all like "shet the ef up padre"

    the messed up thing is i think dude knew me because he was kind of nice to me and my moms and when he left he yelled at the dude praying like "i said put your meffing hands up ,dont look at me etc etc."
    and then i got kind of close to me and said "see you later man"

    Another time i got a gun pulled on me and some homies because we walked in between them when they were talking.

    they were looking for trouble.we took the verbal abuse and walked off after a minute or two and ran into them dudes later that night down the street at a party.
    we were talking to some other homies and they walked up like "awh man ya'll friends with so and so.. awh man im sorry"

    Police,to many times to remember.They pull out for anything.

  • RerogRerog 569 Posts
    About 3 years ago I was leaving fellow strutter High-C's apartment around midnight after a day of digging....While walking to my car I notice a guy standing outside the car next to mine taking a piss...no big deal I thought. While unlocking my car to load up my finds from the day, my GP3, and a few other randon records I had brought over to trade, the guy runs over to me puts a gun to my head and makes me lay on the ground and give up the goods, my wallet that contained only $12 after the days activities, and my keys. So the guy gets away with a GP3, a couple Ice Cube records, a Black Fist OST, some damn good reggae 45's, a Spinal Tap OST, and the keys to my car which for some reason he decided not to steal. Probably thought I was the crazyist white kid ever looking at the random assortment of records and the player.

    After the "transaction" took place, I got off the ground and procede to run through the apartment complex, I lost a shoe and snuck back to High-C's crib to call the bank and the cops. All in all not that bad, scarier after the fact after realizing what could have happened.

  • twice by cops in the usa.

    once on the streets of sao paolo by cops. wasn't really pointed at me or my party kind of just randomly swinging it around out of a car window pointed at pedestrians on the street. lapd cannot fuck with sao paolo pd.

    2 questions

    1: what about the TOPIC STARTER? did a story prompt this thread??

    2: who on this board has pointed a gun at someone? i know mad people on here have gunz, who has pulled one?
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