Speaker dilemma

BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
edited August 2006 in Strut Central
Ok, so I have a pair of Event TR8XL monitor speakers and the amplifier is fucked in one of them. It will cost relatively around the same amount to repair the monitor that it will to buy a new monitor. I would like to replace the broken monitor but I don't want to replace one of them and have the other bust on me, nahmean? My other option is to buy a complete new pair of monitors but they probably won't be as good since my budget right now is kinda limited. I've been thinking over this for the past few days and I can't really decide on anything. Anyone?


    Do you want to buy another set of active speakers? What is the advantage of an active speaker anyhow?

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    Yeah, I would like active monitors if at all possible. The upside of active monitors is that the amps are designed to work with the speakers so they sound better than a random amp combination. The downside is a quality external amp with quality speakers will sound better than most if not at all active monitors.

    Yeah, I would like active monitors if at all possible. The upside of active monitors is that the amps are designed to work with the speakers so they sound better than a random amp combination. The downside is a quality external amp with quality speakers will sound better than most if not at all active monitors.

    That's what i thought. The thing about active monitors that stinks is that if the amp breaks, you lose the speaker, too. There must be cheap ass passive monitors out there. Can u use a speaker that's meant for a home stereo application for a studio set up? I'm a fan of B & W speakers. Mission & Wharfdale also make cheap quailty speakers. There are some domestic companies that are good too, like paradigm, JBL & PSB. As long as you don't use a bright-ish speaker with a bright amp, you'll be okay.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    i don't have an amp so that's why i'm trying to stick with active speakers.
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