le paris check in

what it do my strut brethern? i'm not even sure what time it is out there? like 0745 5 6 7 8 +33 o'clock?day 2 in gay ass pari. day 1 we hit up some club called the rex and ran into the homie dj eleven. free absolut jumpoffs till like 0100 or so. even ran into dj fuse from digital underground. louvre was today. mega crowds with massive scents in there armpits. we checked out starcow and colette on rue de honore and opium near les halles. i get excited at some dope ass shoes (no racing shoe) in opium, only to find out that it was their "museum wall" and i wasn't supposed to touch...huh? why do all the sneaker spots out here have only 5 pairs of nikes for sale in sizes 6 and 7 only? am i missing something. oh yeah...we saw the homie odub's solesides cd at colette. they had a large amount of 'em too. 3 cheers for odizzle.the salavador dali joint tomorrow.you can't buy smokes in the grocery store and you can't get a bottle of water at the "tobac" store and god forbid you don't have exact change. people that are buying cigarettes, don't get thirsty in paris or what?any dope french dj make the funky fresh boombap mixtapes? who should i check for?any leads on rock the house hippity to the hiphop don't stop the rocking bang bang boogy stores?peace outauthenticamercian
What it do?!?
my last post wasn't meant to sound negative towards paris, if that's what the french phrase above is saying. i'm having a blast. club level of hotel le grand like woah. internet for days, beers like what, german old fogies arguing with the staff on some "i have stayed heeeere at dis hotel fohr mahny mahny years and this is compleeeetly unaaczetable. i need a few of ze opera house or i leave right now!" sky news blazing in the main lounge. i'm having a one main party in this place.
went to some bar that was pumping "be thankful for what you got".
oh yeah...i kind of promised fuse that i'd put raw fusion on my next mix. gotta stop making drunk promises. what was their video about eating a chicken sandwich? "raise your hands in the air" or something?
are snails really what's good? should i try 'em or no?
hope you are having fun american cas.
oh guess what? HJ is an American now. She took her citizenship test this week and of course passed it. She said some old filipino dude gave her the test and was asking her questions and shit and sometimes she didn't quite understand him because of his accent. Which is funny because he had to test her english. She's lived here longer than me.... and I've lived in Korea longer than her. funny. anyways, she is american now. first thing she did after her test was take a nap. it seemed like the "american" thing to do. haha.
have fun out there!
Anyway if you're around Bastille there is this "hip hop" bar you might want to check. It's Called Twenty One and it's 20 rue de la forge royale, subway is Ledru-Rollin.
I'm sure you can find fliers for gigs or parties there. But there's not much going on here in the summer.
plutot les francais.
I wanted to call and thank/congratulate you guys, but I knew you guys where globe-trotting.
as far as french dj dudes? I think there's this dude named Amel Dabee who does it, but it's more rare-groove type of stuff and I heard Birdy Nam Nam (??) are some dope dj scratch happy madness dudes..
I see O-Dub's cd everywhur.
Yo, hit me up on the pm if needed...
Plus I got a pool (yeahhh !).
I can't stand snails no more... Try them though, that's always a fun experience...
IMG src="http://www.saveursdumonde.net/relais/techniques/mazere/grenouil-plat.jpg" align="center" border="0">
french peeps, holler, we are here till wednesday
fuck this. get that sandwich grec son!!!