The summer is here and what better time to get crazy and make it funky! We're pulling out all the stops for our upcoming party welcoming back Calgary's Smalltown Djs[/b], a group who have been touring North America with our favorite DJs Fort Knox Five, Mat The Alien, Kid Gusto, All Good Funk Alliance, Krafty Kuts and more. Running Canada's label Bigfoot Records[/b], Smalltown Djs [/b](Pete and Mike) are at the heart of Canada's mid tempo funk breaks scene and will be in Toronto on July 28th. Joining us for live sets are Halifax Funk Collective High Plains Drifter[/b], and Toronto's #1 live breaks & drum n bass project The Chameleon Project[/b]. Add into the mix our resident funkateer "Big League Chu[/b]", Moses Mayes DJ RPG[/b] from Winnepeg, Dave Dub[/b], Farbsie[/b], Red Turtle[/b] , Mickey D[/b], Taro [/b]and Zirca[/b] and you've got a top mix of Canadian Funk talent! Toronto's Full Time Funk CrewMake it Funky presents... Smalltown DJs (Bigfoot Records, Calgary Alberta)[/b]www.smalltowndjs.comBig League Chu (Make it Funky Resident)[/b]www.bigleaguechu.comHigh Plains Drifter :: Live::[/b]www.myspace.com/highplainsdriftingThe Chameleon Project ::Live::[/b] www.chameleonproject.com The Funk Lounge[/b] Red Turtle (2thebeat)Taro (Make It Funky)Mickey D (1 Love)Zirca (Make It Funky)Farbsie (Make It Funky) Dave Dub (Make It Funky)DJ RPG (Moses Mayes, Winnepeg)FRIDAY, JULY 28th, 2006[/b]Location: El Mocambo 464 Spadina Ave. TorontoAdmission: $12 with reduced guestlist Email [email]Makeitfunkyparty@hotmail.com[/email] subject "Funky Fly" Include full names. More at the door.R.O.A.R., PLUR, 19+event (Id required)Funk Costumes Highly encouraged for more info visit: www.nufunk.ca and www.myspace.com/makeitfunky
Smalltown DJs[/b]www.smalltowndjs.comMike Grimes and Pete Emes are those dudes known as Smalltown DJs. Based in Calgary, AB - they currently (since 1999) run a weekly known as Hai Karate. Hai Karate and the Smalltown DJs were born out of the ashes of old style block parties, punk rock shows at community halls and the early nineties rave scene. Hanging with these dudes on any given night you will hear funk, pop, dancehall, rock, hip hop, house, breaks, grime and bmore. No pretension allowed, only party and dance. So please grab yourself a drink, make your way to the dancefloor, and let's go! The Hai Karate Allstar remix Eps are being released in 2006 to celebrate the nights sixth anniversary.Over the past six years the Smalltown Djs have hosted and played alongside such artsits as Afrika Bambaataa, Lateef, Lyrics Born, Dj Assault, Jeru the Damaja, Tommie Sunshine, Chromeo, Mike Relm, Cosmo Baker and Dj Ayres ATrak, Low Budget, Diplo, James Lavelle, Kool Keith, Z-trip and Dj Radar, Fort Knox Five, and Maseo from De la Soul among many moreMake it Funky ONLINE
www.nufunk.ca www.myspace.com/makeitfunky
