!New Orleans Update Show!!!, KALX, SUN. 7/16, 10AM

!!!New Orleans Update Show!!!, KALX, SUN. 7/16, 10 AM'Sup family and friends:So the media buzz may have died down, but New Orleans and many other cities are still rebuilding due to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Tomorrow (7/16) morning @ 10am on KALX, 90.7 FM (streaming audio @ http://kalx.berkeley.edu/), my man Rohit, a talented KALX DJ, will recount his personal experience volunteering down in New Orleans with the re-building effort. He has put together a show with folks that have been involved in the rebuilding effort, including other volunteers, community members, and a reporter from the SF chronicle.Oh yeah, Rohit asked me to swing by as well, so you'll hear me speak on the "Break In The Road Project" again and maybe a couple of tracks to boot. Check us out tomorrow!Your boy,DJ gNAT a.k.a. Nat Chadwick
!!!New Orleans Update Show!!!, KALX, SUN. 7/16, 10 AM!!!New Orleans Update Show!!!, KALX, SUN. 7/16, 10 AM
