Don't You Dare Call Me A Breeder!!! (NRR)

RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
edited July 2006 in Strut Central
I've traveled to every StateFrom NY to the Golden GateAnd in this Human ZooOne thing's undeniably trueMost people are filled with Hate


  • Yes, we clearly need to be made aware of the menace of anti-hetrosexual slurs....

  • the3rdstreamthe3rdstream 1,980 Posts
    i am straight and i call people breeders, especially moms with thier caravans of kids who are in my way and shit at the store when i am trying to get some captain crunch

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts
    Slow news day?

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Slow news day?

    Zactly.....there was some headlines about B.E.P. not being Hip-Hop and some bombing thing going on in some foreign country....

    and sarcasm is a bitch.

  • Slow news day?

    Zactly.....and sarcasm is a bitch

    Can't imagine how I missed that...

  • coffinjoecoffinjoe 1,743 Posts

    i celebrate their catalog !

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Slow news day?

    Zactly.....and sarcasm is a bitch

    Can't imagine how I missed that...

  • the3rdstreamthe3rdstream 1,980 Posts
    Slow news day?


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