This song has been my shit for some time now and I was wondering if a version of this Doors hit exists among the multitudes of "Light My Fire"s
Yonderboi sampled it. U heard a million times in a million TV shows problably. I remember a few years back when everybody got tired of using St germain or Moby for their clips/items/moodvideo's/whatever, yonderboi was in heavy rotation..
For further reference allmusic is a good site to answer those type of questions though I could go there and find the info and answer your question and make it seem that i have an encyclopaedic knowledge of doors tunes. anyway follow this link All will be revealed
Did Shirley Bassey do a cover of "Riders on the Storm" too or just "Light my Fire?"
1 Riders on the Storm Se??or Coconut and his orchestra
2 Riders on the Storm Annabel Lamb
3 Riders on the Storm Dancing Fantasy
4 Riders on the Storm George Winston
5 Riders on the Storm Creed
6 Riders on the Storm Snoop Dogg
7 Riders on the Storm The Hollywood Strings
8 Riders on the Storm Mood Piano Tribute to the Doors
9 Riders on the Storm Essra Mohawk (Love Her Madly:New Woman Artists cover the Doors)
10 Riders on the Storm The Galactic Achievement Society
11 Riders of the Storm Hobo Blues Band (Japanese)
12 Riders on the Storm Nigel Kennedy and Prague Symphony Orch.
Here is a quick list I was able to assemble...there are many more to be found.
Oh dear...
Rusty Bryant-Wildfire
Yonderboi sampled it. U heard a million times in a million TV shows problably.
I remember a few years back when everybody got tired of using St germain or Moby for their clips/items/moodvideo's/whatever, yonderboi was in heavy rotation..
anyway follow this link All will be revealed