My life...
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It's saturday night and instead of being out wilding I'm inside organizing thousands of dancehall MP3s.But the real thing about "my life" is that today I sat on a panel today as a speaker at a conference. It was me, Jazzy Jay, Spooky, and 2 techno DJs. Speaking about being a DJ. Next to Jazzy Jay. I'm just like, whoa. What the hell am I doing up on a panel in front of a gang of people, being asked to give my opinion about shit, sitting right next to Jazzy Jay, and people are looking to us on some "what you say really matters" shit.I don't know, man. I mean, I know I grind. I know it's paid off in ways. But today was just like a real trip to me. Does that make any sense? I'm just finding it a little surreal.
your tonight sounds like my last night