Remote island records

ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,140 Posts
edited May 2005 in Strut Central
I have always had a fascination with obscure remote islands. Obviously, there are records that originate from Trinidad, Bermuda, Hawaii and such, but what about these lesser-known small island countries out in the middle of the Pacific and Atlantic? Funky or not, there's got to be some stuff from places like Tristan Da Cunha and Guam. Does anyone have LPs from these types of places?


  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    whew, I thought this was gonna be another one of those "if you were stranded on an island with a jar of Kool Aid, a sheepskin coat and a dildo, what music would want to be listening to?" threads.

    We've had plenty 'o those.

    I'm not really up on my Barbados LPs though, sorry Chachi.
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