Intro to soccer for tha yanks

spencergroovnycespencergroovnyce 189 Posts
edited June 2006 in Strut Central


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    I wish I had a clip of the local NY newscast last night when they did their 10 seconds on the Brasil game, they spent the whole time making jokes about Kaka's name.

  • I wish I had a clip of the local NY newscast last night when they did their 10 seconds on the Brasil game, they spent the whole time making jokes about Kaka's name.

    Yeah, something like "Kaka never looked so good". And yet Dick Trickle elicits not a whimper!

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    I wish I had a clip of the local NY newscast last night when they did their 10 seconds on the Brasil game, they spent the whole time making jokes about Kaka's name.

    Yeah, something like "Kaka never looked so good". And yet Dick Trickle elicits not a whimper!

    That's about right. If I knew what channel BBC was on I would have switched.

    Who were the Irish and English guys who did the Spain game on ESPN2 this morning? They've been the best commentators.

  • MondeyanoMondeyano Reykjavik 863 Posts
    That is fucking hilarious. Incidentally I just picked up this comedian's (Dennis Pennis) DVD of all his specials and that shit is hot . Dennis Pennis forever and ever.. and ever.

    Soccer is the most boring game in the world. And what's up with injury time? The ref just decides at random - "hey, lets play another 10 minutes?" This is the 21st century, get a clock on that & make it precise. Schitt is mad chintz.

  • AserAser 2,351 Posts
    I wish I had a clip of the local NY newscast last night when they did their 10 seconds on the Brasil game, they spent the whole time making jokes about Kaka's name.

    Yeah, something like "Kaka never looked so good". And yet Dick Trickle elicits not a whimper!

    That's about right. If I knew what channel BBC was on I would have switched.

    Who were the Irish and English guys who did the Spain game on ESPN2 this morning? They've been the best commentators.

    I don't get the espn feeds up here in Canaduh (praise the lord), but I imagine you're referring to Tommy Smyth. Dude has the best zings out there, very funny.

    he also has a fascination w/ the "ol' onion bag".

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    I wish I had a clip of the local NY newscast last night when they did their 10 seconds on the Brasil game, they spent the whole time making jokes about Kaka's name.

    Yeah, something like "Kaka never looked so good". And yet Dick Trickle elicits not a whimper!

    That's about right. If I knew what channel BBC was on I would have switched.

    Who were the Irish and English guys who did the Spain game on ESPN2 this morning? They've been the best commentators.

    You're definitely more mature that I am... I still find potty humor to be hilarious!!!!

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    Soccer is the most boring game in the world. And what's up with injury time? The ref just decides at random - "hey, lets play another 10 minutes?" This is the 21st century, get a clock on that & make it precise. Schitt is mad chintz.

    I like soccer, but I can't say I have ever understood the injury time phenomenon. WAAAAY too much discretion in the hands of arbitrary decision-makers it would seem.

  • GropeGrope 2,970 Posts
    Soccer is the most boring game in the world. And what's up with injury time? The ref just decides at random - "hey, lets play another 10 minutes?" This is the 21st century, get a clock on that & make it precise. Schitt is mad chintz.

    well, baseball and american football are way more boring. the super bowl is commercials only and i can neither watch baseball live nor on tv. i played american football at my american high school. i even felt bored as a player. ten seconds action, 1 minute waiting for the next "hut". A lot more boring than soccer.

    But I understand you. I can't watch a bad game. And half the games are pretty bad.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    Soccer is the most boring game in the world. And what's up with injury time? The ref just decides at random - "hey, lets play another 10 minutes?" This is the 21st century, get a clock on that & make it precise. Schitt is mad chintz.

    I like soccer, but I can't say I have ever understood the injury time phenomenon. WAAAAY too much discretion in the hands of arbitrary decision-makers it would seem.

    The arbitrary nature of injury time is just as frustrating for fans of the game, believe me. It's not quite as random as the ref just adding another 10 minutes on to the playing time - anything more than three or four minutes max is still pretty unusual. We've come to accept it, though - after all, it's the unquantifiables which make the game so interesting. In those 90 minutes (injury time notwithstanding), anything can happen, and even when it seems as though nothing is happening, that may not be the case at all. The whole point of the game is that it's free-flowing, with the minimal amount of interruption. The whole concept of time-outs, breaks in play solely for the purpose of running TV ads, and the stop/start structure of many US sports is anathema to football fans. US sports fans are used to this, and expect it from the games they prefer to watch. I won't suggest that this might have something to do with an inability to focus purely on the game for more than a few minutes at a time, but it's definitely a cultural thing. For example, I've never been able to get to grips with the fact that, even though there's only an hours' actual playing time, an NFL game can last twice that or more. Combine that with two football teams competing in an attritional, ultra-defensive game with no goals and no sign of goals, and you really would have a boring game.

    Anyway, much as I enjoy trying to help Americans make sense of the game, I'm done here. When it comes to obvious statements, "Americans bored by/indifferent to football" is right up there with "Night continues to follow day" to me.

  • hammertimehammertime 2,389 Posts
    Stoppage time doesn't really irk me as much as how overly dramatic dudes get when they're trying to draw a foul...flopping on the ground, always holding their shin in the exact same place. It's one thing to draw attention to yourself but when they bring out a damn stretcher and cart the guy off the field, only to have him get right up and run right back out there, man that's annoying. Just fucking play ball guys. Suck it up.

    Apart from that I love watching the World Cup, I can understand how some people would think it's slow or boring but to me it's like a chess match, I love all the strategizing and watching a team work for 10 minutes to get a play set up. I definitely do think that goes against the typically American desire for instant gratification though.

  • FlomotionFlomotion 2,390 Posts
    Soccer is the most boring game in the world. And what's up with injury time? The ref just decides at random - "hey, lets play another 10 minutes?" This is the 21st century, get a clock on that & make it precise. Schitt is mad chintz.

    Ha, yeah seems like that but it's not so random. The ref just adds up all the stoppages. Can be pretty dull though.
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