Yeah but that's fucked up man. It's just stupid man. Do that many more people know about Saigon? Even in NYC he's pretty underground and only gets radio play after 11 pm.
Wasn't that magazine supposed to be about production?
Yeah but that's fucked up man. It's just stupid man. Do that many more people know about Saigon? Even in NYC he's pretty underground and only gets radio play after 11 pm.
Wasn't that magazine supposed to be about production?
I concur.
Dilla was a legend (well respected, innovative and highly influential).
At least Wax Poetics did the right thing, good article too.
dilla never liked the spotlight... he prolly woulda wanted it that way.
ive got nothing but love for dilla... i've invested lots in his music and even, more recently, hospital donations. but the media never has known how to cover the underground shit properly, and it's probably a good thing. for someone to not really blow up until they're dead is a lame and sad thing... and as much as i celebrate the guy's entire catalog, i'm glad he didn't become the next 2pac/biggie poster-boy. those who know... will continue to know. and those who don't, can keep on waiting for some crap like dangerdoom 2.
dilla never liked the spotlight... he prolly woulda wanted it that way.
ive got nothing but love for dilla... i've invested lots in his music and even, more recently, hospital donations. but the media never has known how to cover the underground shit properly, and it's probably a good thing. for someone to not really blow up until they're dead is a lame and sad thing... and as much as i celebrate the guy's entire catalog, i'm glad he didn't become the next 2pac/biggie poster-boy. those who know... will continue to know. and those who don't, can keep on waiting for some crap like dangerdoom 2.
for some crap like dangerdoom 2. that was a good one!
yeah we could go on for days about this. I originally presented a diggin column for the magazine and they said they would rather have Funkmaster Flex do it then me! So yeah we all know Flex digs all day long right? It's a commercial magazine and they need to sell magazines. Be thankful for Wax Poetics that's all we need.
Since we're talking Dilla again, I'll put this here (I don't hink this deserves its own thread so) here's something i whipped up yesterday of some samples from Donuts, if it sounds a little off in places I apologize, i had to do it on a computer rather than tablestables so... A HREF=">SAMPLEMIX/A>
Since we're talking Dilla again, I'll put this here (I don't hink this deserves its own thread so) here's something i whipped up yesterday of some samples from Donuts, if it sounds a little off in places I apologize, i had to do it on a computer rather than tablestables so... A HREF=">SAMPLEMIX/A>
Saigon aint all bad though, I remember hitting his myspace a few months ago and he had a dope " lil'_____ " naming dropping freestyle from one of the KaySlay Drama hour mixtapes over some Freeway beat.
Well I would, but it's Saigon. Dude isn't even a producer and wasn't he supposed to blow 3 years ago?
Wasn't that magazine supposed to be about production?
I concur.
Dilla was a legend (well respected, innovative and highly influential).
At least Wax Poetics did the right thing, good article too.
ive got nothing but love for dilla... i've invested lots in his music and even, more recently, hospital donations. but the media never has known how to cover the underground shit properly, and it's probably a good thing. for someone to not really blow up until they're dead is a lame and sad thing... and as much as i celebrate the guy's entire catalog, i'm glad he didn't become the next 2pac/biggie poster-boy. those who know... will continue to know. and those who don't, can keep on waiting for some crap like dangerdoom 2.
than countless other dudes should be on the cover just because a known producer is doing their LP
it's just bullshit and you should stop.
When was it engaging or informative?
I liked the first 2 issues, so I guess from issue 3 on.
but seriously, i cant believe they would put saigon on the cover? like there arent any more producers/djs to put on the cover...
what label is that guy on anyways and is payola involved?
Who the fuck is Saigon?? This magazine is like the source now.
for some crap like dangerdoom 2. that was a good one!
Atlantic cut the check. Both covers feature Atlantic artists. All that shit is paid for.
Saigon aint all bad though, I remember hitting his myspace a few months ago and he had a dope " lil'_____ " naming dropping freestyle from one of the KaySlay Drama hour mixtapes over some Freeway beat.
???... I'm scared of girls like these... they look too good to be true...
dont get me wrong but does just blaze have a deep enough catalog to really warrant a cover spot?
Uh...I mean, he's not Marley Marl or anything but c'mon dude!
That's what I was's