CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
edited June 2006 in Strut Central
So fuck Sprint, straight up.What's a good carrier? This is what I'm looking for:* Good plans - something with maybe nights and weekends off, something with no roaming or long distance, maybe something with a "network" of family phones that don't get charged etc. I'm looking to put 2-3 lines on this account. Me, an alternate one for me, one for my wife etc. Looking to keep it maybe $150-$180 per month if possible.* Great service - I need shit that I can get in Canada and in Europe. If there's an extra overseas/international charge then well fuck it, but I need to have access to my shit. I also need to have access to data while outside whatever "network" I'm on meaning I have to receive emails and text messages while out. VERY IMPORTANT. And the phone should be good. As it stands right now I can't get fucking phone calls while sitting in my living room. Fuck that. I work out of the house. Fuck Sprint.* Good phones - I have the Treo now but I'm convinced that it's a toy (much like the Sidekick.) I'm looking at Blackberrys and/MDA units. I need my shit durable/portable/versatile. Any ideas or leads? Any businesspeople on here have good corporate plans? Where my lawyers at with their hot shit. I can't fuck around on this Mickey Mouse level anymore.


  • tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts
    damn cuz, i am definitely not the international player that you are, but i feel youre pain. my cellphone doesnt work anywhere in my damn house. i walk out my door and the shit starts squealing...wow, i just missed seven calls. bullshit

    thats with T-mobile

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    Whattup TONEEEE.

    Damn, and cats are telling me T-Moble is the shit.

  • DelayDelay 4,530 Posts

    my tmobile contract just ran out, and i'm leaving that shit and never looking back. service SUCKS. it is the cheapest though. from what i hear verizon has the best reception, but cingular got the crack phones.

  • drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts
    I've had T-Mobile for years and have not had any complaints. I don't need it for anything international, but local service has been solid.

    Plus, I just walked out the sto' with one of these boys:

    *Not for silly use in pubilc, just around the crib-o.

  • soulmarcosasoulmarcosa 4,296 Posts
    Cingular service is ok w/ me: 2 lines for pretty much a flat $90/month with near-unlimited domestic calling day or night. Reception seems to be good, but not amazing. I also have no service at my house but I live in the sticks so no other service reaches here either, so that's alright.

    I just want a good PHONE.

    This Motorola V557 I've had was great for about a year, then the warranty went out and so did the ear-speaker. Now I gotta put MF's on speakerphone if I want to hear them. Someone recommend a dependable and loud phone. Sure I want a camera and text messaging, but fuck all the MP3 players and shit. First and foremost I WANT TO HEAR PEOPLE AND I WANT THEM TO HEAR ME. Is that crazy?

    Recommendations plaese.

  • The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
    Cingular is ok with me, never had a problem with the service...and the shit worked in Europe(although they had to be called while there to remind them that we wanted the intl coverage turned on on a certain date... they hooked us up though)...so the intl end of things are cool with cingular. Although they can be know to break it off in ya if you need a new phone before you are "ready" for an upgrade, and then it is even ridiculous, but I am sure all carriers are like that.

  • The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts

    I just want a good PHONE.

    This Motorola V557 I've had was great for about a year, then the warranty went out and so did the ear-speaker. Now I gotta put MF's on speakerphone if I want to hear them. Someone recommend a dependable and loud phone. Sure I want a camera and text messaging, but fuck all the MP3 players and shit. First and foremost I WANT TO HEAR PEOPLE AND I WANT THEM TO HEAR ME. Is that crazy?

    Recommendations plaese.

    This exact same thing happened to my girl's phone...same phone...she has to use speakerphone to hear folks. Also warranty ran out about a week before that happened.

  • ExtraExtraExtraExtra 209 Posts
    Anyone seen the episode of Aqua Teen where Shake becomes the Boost Mobile dealer?

    couldnt find a good pic

  • DustbusterDustbuster 278 Posts
    I had Sprint too and I could never get reception at my apt. If I found a spot, I had to pretty much stay there so the call wouldn't get dropped. It might only have been my phone (I had an old Samsung), but Sprint was annoying me enough to change carriers.

    Your phone has alot to do with quality too. I have Cingular and a Razr. While I have issues with the Razr, the service is great. I get reception everywhere. And the rollover thing is good. The Razr is quad band (or something) so it can be used worldwide. The bad thing about leaving Sprint is they have the Samsung Razr knock off which is so much better. Oh well.

  • Used to fuck with Cingular, but never got good service and yes, the phones suck.

    Verizon all the way...never had a problem or interruption in service. It costs a little more, but more than worth it, I think.

  • crossingscrossings 946 Posts
    i'm not kidding when i say...


  • jjfad027jjfad027 1,594 Posts

    This Motorola V557 I've had was great for about a year, then the warranty went out and so did the ear-speaker.

    Motorola is extremely good a designing phones that break right after the warranty is up. Most everyone at my work has had this happen (we all have Motorolas). After 1 year something breaks within a month. I've seen three v180s do it and a few v557s. I got another v557 two months ago so I should be ok for 10 months.

    Whoever designs those things to fail is good at what they do!!!!
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