Mixer measurement help (RaneTTM56R)
3,739 Posts
I'm thinking of upgrading, and there's, like, this sale on soon, but I have this custom table and I need to know if the Rane mixer I want will fit!So, if you have a Rane TTM56, can you please tell me the width of the mixer body, and then the width of the top plate?Thanks strutters.
its all in twatty inches though
C'moin guys. No one has a Rane mixer AND a rudimentry understanding of the metric system?
the body is 8" exactly and the plate is 9" (more like 8 and 11/12 )
I'll measure mine when I get home for a Jimmy Castor Its just begun 7" on RCA
I couldn't work out what the "imperial" measurements referd to.
If you could measure yours that would be great.