Sun Ra Marathon Today !

Sun Ra Institute and WKCR-FM NYC present'SUN RADIO OMNIVERSITY' - SUN RA ARRIVAL DAY CELEBRATION32-HOUR RADIO MARATHONMONDAY, MAY 22nd at midnight to TUESDAY, MAY 23rd, 8:20 AM89.9 FM NYC & www.WKCR.ORG streaming live across the galaxiesThe Sun Ra Institute and WKCR-FM are proud to announce the Sun Ra ArrivalDay Celebration, a 32-hour radio marathon featuring work of the innovativeand iconoclastic composer, bandleader, and keyboardist Sun Ra. Eachsegment of the festival will focus on a specific feature of Ra???s musicallegacy: Standards and Ballads, The Swing Tradition, Solo Piano and Poetry,Late 1950???s and Early Rarities, Tone Science, Singers, and more. TheArrival Day Celebration will include exclusive recordings from WKCR???sarchives as well as live special guest interviews with Marshall Allen,Director of the Sun Ra Arkestra, and Arkestra members of the past, presentand future.WKCR SUN RA ARRIVAL DAY CELEBRATION: PRELIMINARY SCHEDULEMay 22nd, 2006 - 89.9 FM NYC & www.WKCR.ORG12-2:30 AM Sun Ra Omni-Nuclear Kickoff ??? Charles Blass Signature moods of Ra, from dreamy, gorgeous, stately simplicity toawe-inspiring sonic blasts.2:30 ??? 6 AM Overnight Potpourri ??? Martin Kostov6 - 8 AM Sun Ra Plays Standards and Ballads - Ben Siegelman The Daybreak Express show will feature Sun Ra's performances ofstandards, ballads, and show tunes.8-9:30 AM The Swing Tradition - Ben SiegelmanThe Bird Flight slot will be an extension of the previous show, but thistime focusing on the compositions of Jelly Roll Morton, Duke Ellington,Fletcher Henderson, and others. Little known facts: Fletcher himself oncegave up his own piano chair to Sun Ra. Sun Ra wrote charts that ColemanHawkins had difficulty playing. Monk was impressed, too.9:30 AM-Noon Solo Piano and Poetry ??? Drew Pierson Our morning Classical show will present Sun Ra's solo piano recordings,including an exclusive performance at WKCR in July 1977. This segmentwill also incorporate Sun Ra's extensive poetic works.Noon-5PM Omniversity: Late 1950's and Early Rarities - Phil Schaap &Remote Panel Discussion from PhiladelphiaHere we will shine the spotlight on Sun Ra's elemental work from the late1950's. Following this segment, we will shift into a survey of the veryearliest recordings of Sun Ra, arranging for singers and performing as asideman. Phil will be joined by a panel of scholars and band members,presenting the rarest of Sun Ra sides. We are expecting an Arkestraltransmission from the House of Ra in Philadelphia, on the WavelengthInfinity.5-8 PM Tone Science ??? Jordan PaulThe synthesizer and abstract works of Sun Ra. Tune in for some of the mostadventurous recordings of Sun Ra's career. This segment will include bothsolo synthesizer performances as well as those with an ensemble, includingSpace Probe, Atlantis and more.8 PM-1 AM From the Ark ??? Charles Blass, Richard Segan, Christopher Eddy atthe House of RaThe evening segment is expected to be the highlight of the marathon. Wewill play live recordings and interviews, with visits from special guestsand a focus on materials from WKCR's own ???Arkives???, as well as acollection gathered by The Sun Ra Institute. We will take some time tohonor the current living-and-breathing Sun Ra Arkestra, under themasterful direction of Marshall Allen, and celebrate Marshall???s 82ndbirthday a few days early. More Arkestral excursions and alive-and-direct remote broadcast from the Sun Ra House are expected, alongwith a generous portion of amazing sonic treats, compiled by SRI OfficersSteve Antonelli, Christopher Eddy and Danny Zelonky. Some extra-specialmixes have been prepared by Steve Antonelli from the 1970-72 period whenthe Arkestra made their first overseas tours and spent time inCalifornia???s Bay Area.1-5 AM The Singers ??? Anjana SharmaThis time will be devoted to Sun Ra's composing and arranging forvocalists, including his R&B and Doo-wop efforts, and immortal, anthemiclyrics. Special focus will be given to the late great June Tyson, and anexclusive interview with June from 1987 will be aired.5-8:20 AM Daybreak Sun Ra ??? Jordan Paul Sun Ra will again be the focus of Transfigured Night and DaybreakExpress. Here is another chance Travel the Spaceways with Sun Ra and TheArkestra.