
Turning Point stops in Hamilton Saturday May 28th

edited May 2005 in Announcements


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    13 hits? That shit is sad. How but if I post jpeg's? Gig is next week.


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    This weekend...


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    Tonight folls!


  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    where is Hamilton?

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    It's a gritty blue collar city 45 minutes south west of Toronto frequented by biker, the mob and those seeking crack. Should be fun.


  • kilogramkilogram 152 Posts
    It's a gritty blue collar city 45 minutes south west of Toronto frequented by biker, the mob and those seeking crack. Should be fun.


    easy there. that's my home turf.
    how was it?

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    It was fun. A little more subdued than the Toronto counterpart, but a good time nonetheless.

    _______ World of Beers where we watched the basketball game beforehand was a blast.


  • slushslush 691 Posts
    It's a gritty blue collar city 45 minutes south west of Toronto frequented by biker, the mob and those seeking crack. Should be fun.


    easy there. that's my home turf.
    how was it?

    just caught this thread

    my hometown as well

    my sister is like a scene queen of hamilton or something. its cool when i go home she gets mad love
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