RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
edited May 2006 in Strut Central
Site Rules: * Do not flame. Nobody's interested in reading your flames. Keep your insults to yourself, flames will be silently deleted. * "Bump" posts will be silently deleted. Be patient, wait at least 5 days before you bump. * Remember to search before you post. Most questions have already been asked. Learn to use the search function. If you ask a question that's already been asked, your post will be silently deleted. Make sure you check the "Search for all terms" option instead of the default. * Keep everything work safe. Remember that fellow board users often surf from work. Please avoid causing people pain by posting questionable content. * Do not trade copyrighted music. Posts which contain links to or ask for copyrighted music will be deleted. Find legitimate sources for links to listen to, such as official artist pages or on CD sellers like Amazon. * All caps posts are not allowed.It's highly recommended that you "lurk" for a while to get the feel of the boards before you post.


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