Help me tet my vonage phone
17,825 Posts
646 290 7228. Seriously. call for no reason, prank call, call and hang up. Just please post in this thread if you don't get a ring, if you get clicks, any problems whatsoeverCALL ME NOW!
No that was me playing Quarteto Em Cy.
not to be a jerk about it or anything but, its really worth it if you can find a copy. The more I listen to it the more I like it. But it must be clean, its one of those records that just wont do as a brazil VG+++++
I've heard the record before. It's high on my wantlist.
if you just want a CD of it, I have a commercial CD from Odeon I can burn you a copy.
Home from school today, young Macktrick?
I called and hung up, cause ass money is more important than vonage time
no, I work in the porn industry, my voice would have killed you
Maybe I'll try this again just to be sure but so far Vonage passed with flying colors.
Anyone with horror stories got some time-specific dropout info for me?
Raj, does Vonage go down at peak times, like
Do I need to have a call-in marathon around 5 pm EST.
Thanks again! And whoever it was who offered their body in exchange for records, come on. that's just gross.