Mayor Gavin Newsom
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The only politican left with balls? FRANCISCO - Mayor Gavin Newsom said Thursday that The City will not comply with any federal legislation that criminalizes efforts to help illegal immigrants.The mayor also denounced a bipartisan congressional proposal that would beef up border security and allow as many as 12 million illegal immigrants to gain legal status.Newsom, who has not been afraid to wade into controversial national issues such as gay marriage, appeared with a group of elected officials on the steps of City Hall to support immigrants, ???documented as well as undocumented.???Newsom also signed a resolution sponsored by Supervisor Gerardo Sandoval, and passed unanimously by the Board of Supervisors, urging San Francisco law enforcement not to comply with criminal provisions of any new immigration bill.???San Francisco stands foursquare in strong opposition to the rhetoric coming out of Washington, D.C.,??? Newsom said. ???If people think we were defiant on the gay marriage issue, they haven???t seen defiance.???It is not the first time San Francisco has weighed in on the immigration issue. In 1989, the Board of Supervisors made San Francisco a ???City of Refuge.??? The ordinance forbids city resources from being used to enforce federal immigration laws or to gather or disseminate information regarding the status of residents of The City. The Board of Supervisors passed a resolution reaffirming the ordinance in January.The bill at issue is H.R. 4437, a House measure that would make it a crime to be in the United States illegally or offer aid to illegal immigrants. It also would enlist military and law enforcement to help stop illegal immigration, require employers to verify the legal status of workers and build new fences along the U.S.-Mexico border.Thursday???s press conference came shortly after a group of bipartisan U.S. senators announced they reached a compromise on their version of immigration legislation, which would not criminalize illegal immigration or assisting illeglal immigrants.Newsom said he was disappointed with Democratic leaders for agreeing to the compromise and that he supported a more immigrant-friendly bill that was put forward by Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass, which was part of the basis of the compromise legislation.Newsom and other city officials also derided U.S. House of Representatives bill 4437, which calls for building a 700-mile fence along the U.S.-Mexico border and criminalizing groups that provide aid to illegal immigrants.???National-origin discrimination is the civil rights issue of our time,??? said Rodel Rodis, a member of the City College board and an immigration attorney. ???I could go to jail because of helping illegal immigrants.???Examiner
Not gonna speculate into Newsome's manhood but it's pretty strong precedent in the Bay Area, I believe the same was done regarding prop. 187 including schools, hospitals, etc
Newsome sure does like press conferences announcing things.
I am not at all for criminalizing illegal residents, but can people not see that folks on the left and right are using this issue as pure electoral pandering?
Granted, I see it for what it is and there's no doubt that Newsom will use this as a spring board to a Presidental run or at least a Governorship. Still, I would rather have Newsom as a democratic candidate instead of someone like Kerry.
Snowball's chance. If he got the nomination it's a surefire lose.
I would hate to see what happened if the US either opened up the borders or gave amnesty of some kind. What kind of precedent it might start. You could possibly see droves of labour (skilled/unskilled) looking for a better living in the US. To a point of causing havoc to Mexico's economy.
In a small example. Here in Canada, we are already having to deal with (On a small scale) Doctors & Nurses leaving for the US. Causing a shortage. I would hate to see what happens if they made it easier to get into the states in some way.
Getting put in jail for helping someone is mind you. Corps should be fined/tax for hiring illegals and the money should goto helping poor people gain status legally!
I agree...and the above example you site has in effect already taken place in many parts of the US, and Mexico is looking for open borders to allow more money from these workers to flow back in to it's economy (through folks sending money home--one stat I heard has this a being like the #2 revenue source for Mexico)--plus that's a huge number of 'poor' citizens the Mexican social structure does not have to take care of, that falls on US taxpayers.
Plus, what about all the legal immigrants(from all over the world, but specifically Central America/Mexico) that jump through hoops to become legal residents and/or US citizens? I guess they're just suckers.
No doubt. And no easy answers. I'm glad I don't have to make them.
Am I alone in this?
This struck me as being pretty funny since San Fran is the only city that actually will use taxpayers money to pay for city employees sex-change operations.
Illegal immigrants are the governments answer to try to save the current Social Security system. They hope employers will pay money into the system using the illegal workers fake SS#'s and then it can be used to bail out the failing system as those illegal workers will never have a way to claim any of it for themselves.
The problem with this theory is that most illegals get paid under the table.
So while laws SHOULD be put into place to curtail ILLEGAL immigration it's not gonna happen......and to the contrary, more illegals will be encouraged.
The guy atleast stands up for what he believe's in.
Paging Awwwwdamn
Is that bird's name Pho Free?????
So I'm all alone here?
Ya'll are making me feel like a violent and uncouth cad...
Kicking his azz may be overstating it, but I at least want to mess up his coiff.
no your not sir
i really don't think its about balls, i think its more about understanding by saying something like this your chance of getting national attention is quite high
both parties see the next big block vote as the mexican immigrants, legal or illegal, both are falling over themselves pandering for this like car salesmen when someone comes into a car dealership
his (ex)wife looks like a crack head taylor dayne
this is exactly right. African Americans should take note, they vote democrat so lock step that they get ignored by both the Democrats who take their vote for granted and by the Republicans that have just written them off.
Unless you are Lynn Swann or Michael Steele.