Bumpshop vs. Truth Soul, NYC-APT, **Sat, 4/8**
60 Posts
This month???s soiree welcomes guest selectors Jeff Silverman and Leon Michels. Young veterans of the NYC soul & funk scene, Jeff and Leon have variously served as producers, engineers, and session musicians at pioneering labels like Desco, Soul Fire, and Daptone Records before striking out on their own and forming Truth & Soul Records in 2004. In just over a year T&S has established itself as one of the planet's pre-eminent outposts for soulful instrumental music ??? as evidenced by the acclaim lavished on its flagship band, the Leon-led The El Michels Affair, and its wistfully cinematic long-playing debut, Sounding Out the City. For Jeff and Leon???s inaugural Bumpshop gig, however, it???s back to their dusty-fingered roots, digging deep into their collective bag of funk 45 treats for a heavy session on the decks.
BTW, thanks again to all who repped last month & made Se??or Iceburg's nine-hour drive from O-Hi-O well worth the trip. (Sadly, Antonio Reid was a no-show, but Pure Essence was dropped in his honor nonetheless.)
Chairman Jefferson Mao
Sorry to have missed it - fatigue and cold weather sent me home early.
Hey, consider it compensation for the absence of drunk Asian girl-on-drunk Asian girl tonsil hockey/durrty dancing we had going two parties in a row. (Alas the streak is now broken; this must be how Jimmy Rollins felt.)