You Send It v. Rapid Share

white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
edited March 2006 in Strut Central
I am becoming a fast convert to Rapid Share. You Send It seems to take an awful long time to download, and, while Rapid Share looks god awful and makes you wait to download sometimes, it seems to work fairly quickly. YOU SEND IT[/b]PROS-Easy interface-Pleasing to the eye-Simple to upload but can take a while-Standalone application reDLs unfinished filesCONS-Long download times-Files expire -Standalone application doesn't always work on my PC and is not Mac supportedRAPID SHARE[/b]PROS-Quick download-Files don't expire and are sometimes up for weeks at a timeCONS-They fired their web designer years ago-Hit you with the wait 70-minute-plus wait times if you are downloading more than one thing


  • bull_oxbull_ox 5,056 Posts
    yousendit is SHIT... I rarely can get anything out of them anymore due to the week/25 DLs limitations...

    rapidshare drives me up the wall with the 90 minute waits between DLs and the small window you have to type that damn code in, but those last MONTHS if its a well-publicized link so I catch up on everything eventually...

    don't have much experience with megaupload, filefront, etc

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts
    Hmm odd...

    I hate Rapid Share.. For these main reasons

    I hate waiting to download more files. What is it 90's mins?
    One file at a time??

    I love yousend it..

    I get great speeds... Atleast 300-350
    Can download as many files at once as you want.
    I don't have a download time limit to wait on.

    The only thing that sucks is the files only stay up for a short time.

    Are any of you using a download file manager? Like DAP?

    DAP with yousendit kicks mucho ass

  • bull_oxbull_ox 5,056 Posts
    Are any of you using a download file manager? Like DAP?

    DAP with yousendit kicks mucho ass

    Never heard of and don't know what that is... please elaborate

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts
    Even without a download manager I am still getting kick ass speeds...

    Check it out.. I'm on my work comp and I just ran a test download... No download manager even...

    9141 KB/Sec

    I've never had speed problems with yousendit

    Always as fast as the pipe I'm on...

    DAP = Download Accelerator Plus

    I don't really use it for download speeds mind you. Cause I'm not sure it helps. Unless there are multi download links available for a file...

    I more use it to manage my downloads. So I can download many different files at once.. and it will put others in a que if I want.

  • gloomgloom 2,765 Posts
    rapidshare is a piece of shit. waiting over an hour between files? ill pass.

    yousendit is usually pretty dope for me. ive never had a problem getting a file, unless its expired (which gets on my nerves). i always have fast speeds with yousendit, usually anywhere between 300 and 500 kb/s.

    megaupload used to be total shit, but its been faster for me lately. you still have to wait 60 seconds for the download though.

    filefront is hit and miss for me. when im on my school connection, they must cap it or something because its slow as fuck, but when i download at my house, its fucking fast as shit (over 1000 kb/s). the one thing that sucks about this is that they will delete files if they find out its not "game" related.

    z-share is a place ive been liking lately, same speeds as yousendit usually, and the links dont expire as quickly. you can catch slow speeds though, during "prime" times of downloads.

    obviously these are all free, so who really has room to complain?

    one thing i think we should start in the r*** h***z section is a g-mail server. there is a program that you can log in to a g-mail account and actually upload files like its an ftp server. if we just made a soulstrut nominated account, and everyone got the software and user/pass, itd be easy for everyone to upload and download shit quite easily and quickly. just a thought.

  • BaptBapt 2,503 Posts

  • PEKPEK 735 Posts

    DAP = Download Accelerator Plus

    I don't really use it for download speeds mind you. Cause I'm not sure it helps. Unless there are multi download links available for a file...

    I more use it to manage my downloads. So I can download many different files at once.. and it will put others in a que if I want.

    Been using Net Transfer (formerly Transport) - styled like Flashget, use the Flashgot extension in Firefox, will DL mms (so no having to mess w/ SDP) and FTP protocols as well... Haven't really touched DAP nor Flashget in years...

  • SnappingSnapping 995 Posts
    z-share is a place ive been liking lately, same speeds as yousendit usually, and the links dont expire as quickly

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts

    DAP = Download Accelerator Plus

    I don't really use it for download speeds mind you. Cause I'm not sure it helps. Unless there are multi download links available for a file...

    I more use it to manage my downloads. So I can download many different files at once.. and it will put others in a que if I want.

    Been using Net Transfer (formerly Transport) - styled like Flashget, use the Flashgot extension in Firefox, will DL mms (so no having to mess w/ SDP) and FTP protocols as well... Haven't really touched DAP nor Flashget in years...

    I've tried a bunch. Never Net Transfer tho.. I'll try it out later tonight. I hear what ur saying on DAP & GET,etc... I just always seem to have better luck with Dap then anything else. But I'll check it out. Multiple Proxies mode sounds nice.

    Thx P

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    rapidshare is a piece of shit. waiting over an hour between files? ill pass.

  • PEKPEK 735 Posts

    I've tried a bunch. Never Net Transfer tho.. I'll try it out later tonight. I hear what ur saying on DAP & GET,etc... I just always seem to have better luck with Dap then anything else. But I'll check it out. Multiple Proxies mode sounds nice.

    B - check your PM re: Net Xfer...

  • cHillercHiller 293 Posts
    i just discovered
    seems to be pretty good. (down- and upload wise)
    but i don't know about restrictions yet...

  • You Send It v. Rapid Share: 1 - 0[/b]

  • ZomBZomB 397 Posts
    Daaaarrrling YoooooOOOOUUUU Sent It. Some sam cooke for u mo fos.

  • Yousendit sux dog balls...
    rapidshare sucks hippo balls..
    megaupload sucks blue whale balls.
    & about a dozen more...are all lame with some impairment

    So far is the dope shit. Will last until 15 days of inactivity.

    I had over 2000 downloads from my Jay Dee tribute on zshare, but was just lost due to a server error.

    At least its fast (unless too many people are all trying to dl at the same time) & it doesn't spazz out with some 'buy the premium account' bullshit or make you unable to download for an hour later, or jsut not work ie Betayousendit..
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