Shouts to sonic reducer, ness et al

To the Sonic Reducer, Ness, Breakself, Burl*One and company of Detroit, and to Dreas, Meaty Ogre and Dante C of Chicagee, thanks for your hospitality. Still sifting through the pickups and all is looking sweet.Photos and a report should be going up on soon if you guys are interested.Oh and d.castillo - I didn't pick up your message until yesterday. Pity - would have been good to hook.Thanks all.........G
I need a holiday. Is your hood recommended chillout and some sun for the missus?
Are you visiting us again sometime soon too?
Mi casa es su casa.
Which is Spanish for "My floor and couch are the slightly less-comfortable equivalent of your bed." Don't expect to "chillout," though. The 100-degree weather makes it impossible for that! Plenty of sun, though!
Seriously, you're welcome here anytime. There's lots of exploring to do 'round these parts (No. No records in Tucson). And Mexico is only 40 minutes away! I'd love to visit London, but it's just so obscenely expensive (XXX-pensive! Get it?). Someday I shall return for my Queen and rescue her from behind bars!
They might even be able to hear from here.
Eeee that's proper grand, chap - top shout! Which is cockney sparra for "thanks alot, man - I mikght just take you up on your kind offer!"
I'll run it past the wife and see what she thinks for later on in the year. Never been to your locale so the offer sounds sweet.
I hear you about London, bredren. I might even think about bailing soon. But your princess still awaits.......and last time I saw her in the English springtime, she was looking [i]fly![/]
Now let's try Finland.
Always good to see you on the board,
better to see you in the Motor City (again).
Hope the trip back was cool -
200 records at a quarter a piece, holy shit! ( joke )
Looking forward to seeing the photos.
Hopefully on your next visit I'll have a house and we can spin records into the wee hours.
Trip back was cool - weather here is big ol' grey - gyahh!
I'll let you know when the photos land on the rockbottomvm site. And for sure on the hook up next time....yes sir.
I'ld appreciate it if you said hi to Chris - we tried to hook up on our last day, and I couldn't get through. I'll mail him at any rate, I think.
Expect a PM from me soon, guys.