Q For K In Canada

RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
edited February 2006 in Strut Central
Was cleaning out a closet today and came across about 150 of these.....looks like most are from 1973-1980.......are they crapola????


  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    yes, total garbage... send them to me.

  • aleitaleit 1,915 Posts
    hey rich-

    i don't see anything super rare in the photo but i'm sure you've got something good in there- some of the labels seem about right. I sort of remember the escorts have a good one on trex but i could be wrong but kevin is definitely the guy with the knowledge on this stuff.

    i'd be glad to take a look through them next time i'm up that way though.

  • Options
    Escorts is common BAjan spouge/calypso. Not worth much - dope label though.

    Eek a Mouse is early 80's - likely backed by roots radics and before he hit the dust too hard. Might do well.

    Richard Ace, Mighty Cloud and Sil Bell are common as fuck and not worth much ($6 in the store or at a fair would be your best bet).

    Mighty Diamonds is the original to "Pass The Dutchie" - again an easy sell for $8-10 at the fairs (more for the 10 inch).

    Can't see the GG's...Gregory Isaacs?

    Hope that helps, K.

    P.S. Any reggae collection you buy that has not one Stduio 1 45 in it has been picked over - plain and simple. Hopefully they were dumb.

  • Thought I'd piggyback on this thread with some reggae 45s I've had kicking around for a few years too. I know the Light of Saba is sought after, but the others I have no idea about. K?

  • i loooooove that eek a mouse track
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