Who's watching George W. Bush?

Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
edited February 2006 in Strut Central
State propaganda


  • he hasn't mentioned anything about the sectarian violence over the last few days. Just broad platitudes and signature lines... reminds me of China, Russia, or perhaps Nazi Germany

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts
    Where is this being broadcasted?

  • CNN

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    cant stand this.. semi smirk reading

    ''the days are going to be difficult......and exhausting....that du'unt happen under dictatorship.''

    it will be hard but the irqui people have a great democracy...fuckoutofhere.. jesus

    its like that interview he did right after the attacks (pretty long ago now) ''the iraqui people want freedom..they want their children to go to good schools'' nothing has changed or gotten better during this time and you just repeat.
    who voted for this kid christ

  • If you want to feel like you live in a facist/police state, read this week's New Yorker article on how the govenrnment justified their use of torture and illegal wire tapping. Great article; ultradepressing.


    Here's the best quote from the article, from Alberto Mora, former General Counsel for the Navy, and someone who had the audacity to suggest that torture was wrong:

    "If cruelty is no longer declared unlawful, but instead is applied as a matter of policy, it alters the fundamental relationship of man to government. It destroys the whole notion of individual rights. The Constitution recognizes that man has an inherent right, not bestowed by the state or laws, to personal dignity, including the right to be free of cruelty. It applies to all human beings, not just in America???even those designated as ???unlawful enemy combatants.??? If you make this exception, the whole Constitution crumbles. It???s a transformative issue.???

  • just got it in the mail - looking forward to reading it today.

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts

    ''when youre responsible for building bridges and power stations and educating people...youre less likely to blow up bridges and schools''

    speachless how retarted/faux pas disgusting

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    I read that NYer article last night... reading it in the context of the last three days in iraq, where the lid's blown off and we're seeing the start of outright sectarian civil war, gave me chills.

    like "we did this?!" kind of chills.


    keep talking about it though, folks.
    You may not be able to change it, but shutting up makes you complicit.

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    this iran thing is pissin me off too.
    ''the only nations to support Iran: syria,cuba and Venezuela''

    Iran and nu'cular weapons next scapegoat...
    ''we will hasten the time where the people of Iran are free...''

    ''freedom is on the march in the broader middle east...form a crop of instability into a land of freedom''

    ''we will stay on the offense''

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts
    I can't get CNN here in my office (The office adjacent to mines gets CNN but they're watching the Olympics). Is this about the impending civil war in Iraq?

  • I read that NYer article last night... reading it in the context of the last three days in iraq, where the lid's blown off and we're seeing the start of outright sectarian civil war, gave me chills.

    like "we did this?!" kind of chills.


    keep talking about it though, folks.
    You may not be able to change it, but shutting up makes you complicit.

    Excellent point about keeping the noise level up about this. I had gotten really complacent about politics after the election, kind of all "well, we made this bed..." sort of logic. But, after the abortion nonsense in S. Dakota this week and that New Yorker article, I realized that we really have no choice but to care and take actions. Complacency is not an option (I say this not as an accusation of anyone, but as an indictment of myself.)

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    I can't get CNN here in my office (The office adjacent to mines gets CNN but they're watching the Olympics). Is this about the impending civil war in Iraq?

    its about america's fight for freedom and how free elections must go on even in 'not perfect conditions'

    its over now. With a fucking marching band outro

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    this iran thing is pissin me off too.
    ''the only nations to support Iran: syria,cuba and Venezuela''

    Iran and nu'cular weapons next scapegoat...
    ''we will hasten the time where the people of Iran are free...''

    ''freedom is on the march in the broader middle east...form a crop of instability into a land of freedom''

    ''we will stay on the offense''

    Problem is, Iran ACTUALLY poses a threat to Israel and the larger global community if they get nuclear capability, and their current leader has pretty much stated this. But now we are bogged down in Iraq and we couldn't possibly address something like Iran's threat if we HAD to. Iran can see this and naturally is using the opportunity of our situation in Iraq to beat their chests and rally extremists.

    That's what has me scared. What do you do when you have multiple threats and all your resources(money and military) are sunk into a huge misadventure elsewhere? Just look at New Orleans for how well the US government multitasks.

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    this iran thing is pissin me off too.
    ''the only nations to support Iran: syria,cuba and Venezuela''

    Iran and nu'cular weapons next scapegoat...
    ''we will hasten the time where the people of Iran are free...''

    ''freedom is on the march in the broader middle east...form a crop of instability into a land of freedom''

    ''we will stay on the offense''

    Problem is, Iran ACTUALLY poses a threat to Israel and the larger global community if they get nuclear capability, and their current leader has pretty much stated this. But now we are bogged down in Iraq and we couldn't possibly address something like Iran's threat if we HAD to. Iran can see this and naturally is using the opportunity of our situation in Iraq to beat their chests and rally extremists.

    That's what has me scared. What do you do when you have multiple threats and all your resources(money and military) are sunk into a huge misadventure elsewhere? Just look at New Orleans for how well the US government multitasks.

    I feel you man..this guy is looking to piss some people off..but its crazy how things are working on other levels. You look at the oil politics in Central asia and how the US, Russia and China are competing there and then its another ball game. Iran has the most to lose from the caspian sea negotitiations and with there sanctionned/hated situation they have to be trying to get international attention back (there current stratey not the best) There are a million situations brewing in that same region and the US impact has fucked it up worse.

    terrorist moved from central asia to afghanistan and iran to regroup. The goverments in CA are really hitting hard on muslims because of fears of fundamentalism and they also suspect the states of sponsoring revolutions (think ukraine) in the region. Intesity with terrorists/religious beef/unstable gov in the world's potential second oil reserve region (no OPEC) right near the middle east (full of countries no one knows about..turkmenistan??? so easy to invent/spin) sounds like a recipe for disasta

  • Problem is, Iran ACTUALLY poses a threat to Israel and the larger global community if they get nuclear capability, and their current leader has pretty much stated this. But now we are bogged down in Iraq and we couldn't possibly address something like Iran's threat if we HAD to. Iran can see this and naturally is using the opportunity of our situation in Iraq to beat their chests and rally extremists.

    i think that if we were to have it out with iran it would not be "boots on the ground" like iraq, it will most likely be air strikes to take out thier facilities, and most likely it would be with aid from israel, possibly europe, but i doubt it

  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts
    I would argue that the Iran nuclear situation is do in large part to the invasion of Iraq. Iran now has 130,000 US troops sitting on its doorstep. They have no way to deal with them if turned toward Tehran. The Mullahs greenlighted the nukes program as an attempt to counterbalance our current military advantage.

    This is exactly one of the unintended consequences of the Iraq war that so many people were fretting about in 2002. It also appears that we have unwittingly slowed the pace of reform in Iran by arousing the deeply nationalistic feelings of its people with our invasion next door. I have read that the young people (those who were in the forefront of political reform) overwhelmingly support the current nuclear program. Good work neocons.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,475 Posts
    Good work neocons.

    Well, one of the architects of neoconservatism has recognized his brain child as a failure. If only we could get the Bush administration and its water carriers to have a similar epiphany, we'd be able to make some real progress.

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts
    If only we could get the Bush administration and its water carriers to have a similar epiphany, we'd be able to make some real progress.
    Don't hold your breath.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    this iran thing is pissin me off too.
    ''the only nations to support Iran: syria,cuba and Venezuela''

    Iran and nu'cular weapons next scapegoat...
    ''we will hasten the time where the people of Iran are free...''

    ''freedom is on the march in the broader middle east...form a crop of instability into a land of freedom''

    ''we will stay on the offense''

    Those quotes are fucking scary and have probably been part of the plan all along.

    I'm sure most of you are aware of this already, but I highly recommend looking into The Project for the New American Century.
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